Benefits of Learning to Code

Waqquar Alam Khan
5 min readFeb 10, 2022


Looking for reasons of why you should learn to code? You don’t have to navigate through different websites, hop on…..

It wasn’t long ago that coding was seen by many as an odd hobby for geeks tinkering with computers in their basements. But over the past several years, coding has progressed from a hobby to a critical career skill. Even better for those hobbyists? Employers have shown a willingness to pay a premium for the work of employees with coding and programming ability. Coding skills are highly sought-after by employers in a variety of industries, not just technology, and possessing these skills can help you on your way to a successful career path.

Read on to find out more about the benefits of learning to code and the different programming languages that you can boost your job prospects.

  1. Coding can help you understand technology

Technology is everywhere in the modern world and continues to develop at an astonishing rate. Coding already plays a key part in this technological evolution and will become increasingly important in light of new robotics and automated technologies. Learning to code will give you the tools you need to go on and be part of shaping the future. This could include roles in RPA, building automated systems for global banks or healthcare organisations, or even helping to improve the tech in self-driving cars — this is just scratching the surface!

2. It can enhance problem-solving skills

Coding can help you improve your logical thinking skills by allowing you to see problems from a new perspective. Complex coding projects are made up of smaller tasks and by breaking down the problem and adopting a methodological way of thinking, you can tackle any challenge. This can be applied to any scenario in both your personal and professional life.

3. Coding can be applied to data visualisation

Working with coding languages, such as SQL and Python can provide excellent practice for data analysis and visualisation. These skills are beneficial for designing complex data dashboards and reports, which are vital for making data more accessible and easy to understand. In addition, coding is a skill that can be applied to various roles for data purposes, even outside of the technology industry. Take marketing, for instance: you can use data skills you have learnt from coding to understand performance data or customer trends and use this to inform your marketing strategy.

4. Coding can complement creativity

Another benefit of learning to code is that it can help you showcase your creativity online. For example, with coding knowledge, you can create online blogs or complex websites and customise

them to make your own rather than using pre-existing templates. This can be a great way to help you stand out when designing your online portfolio or for creating a strong visual identity for your brand as an aspiring business owner.

Coding can also open up many opportunities for you in more creative fields, such as graphic design, web or app development. Alternatively, coding can be beneficial for non-tech roles if you are a writer and you need to make edits to a blog layout or create an email newsletter or survey, you can use HTML or CSS to do so. The possibilities are endless.

5. Coding is a universal language

Much like mathematics, code is a universal language; it is the same across the world and does not need to be translated. When transferring jobs or moving to another country, language barriers can sometimes get in the way. However, since coding languages are the same globally, it is a skill you can carry with you to any country. Learning how to code can make you a highly employable individual and give you the ability to thrive in any environment.

6. Job Opportunities

The current generation of children will need to be literate in technology in order to be competitive in the future job market. Not knowing how to code will be comparable to not knowing how to read. Most jobs require the knowledge of basic IT skills, while even retail and fast food jobs require the use of technology and computers. Coding specialists are well-paid and highly sought-after on the current market, and opportunities for these skilled employees will expand in the future.

7. Develop persistence

Coding is a fun ride unless everything is working fine. The moment when developers are stuck with some bugs or errors, the whole process can turn out to be a nightmare. However, this doesn’t stop programmers from coding, and they tend to develop persistence as the feeling of resolving an error after a few days is the most satisfying feeling for them.

The key to success is persistence, and if you have that, you can achieve all your goals. Being a coder, you will always face certain situations where you will have to stay persistent

So, want to dive in the ocean of coding but don’t know how to swim? Let codekaroyaaro be your life-jacket. It’s one of the best online coding school and has got some of the best online coding courses. Explore code with codekaroyaaro.

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