My problem with cosmos.

3 min readMay 6, 2022

Hello, fellow goblin town citizens,

At first, yes, I strongly believe in science and the existence of cosmos. This article regards the cosmos ecosystem, so if you’re a casual conspiracy theory enjoyer I’m sorry to disappoint you.

Having daddy joke out of a way lets's get into the subject. Cosmos SDK enabled many projects to pursue innovational ideas without a need to build the whole chain from the ground up. This makes Cosmos Ecosystem one of the most interesting places, if not the most, in our small crypto old-town.

So, what’s the issue? Cosmos got great tech and experiences normal hype cycles like any other ecosystem, its user base is growing despite the harsh market conditions.

Well, I see 2 major problems in the niche.

Starting off with the influencers. There’s a problem with the ratio of quality content to the crappy one in the space in general. Heck, it is an overall problem with the internet, but the contrast here is undeniable. The Cosmos has built one of the most advanced technologies in crypto, but 90% of ppl having over 1k followers are shilling their favorite tokens doing 10x targets despite consecutive drops. Even people that create quality educational content on YouTube act completely another way on Twitter. Hi, Dave Cosmonaut. It’s really hard to find good accounts that share a realistic reflection of the cosmos niche. There aren’t even good shitposters there. No cosmos’s Satsdart, no Hentais. Z abandoned Juno during its recent crappy episode. Nobody’s vibing there. There are no folks laughing about losing money and having fun continuously. There are only “BUY THE DIP” and “Will X token do 10x or 20x at the end of a year?” Cosmos influencers seem rly far away from the original ct vibe and it’s sad.

Here’s a list of some nice cosmos folks:

The second thing is airdrops. We are all free money diggers. We complete various actions in the hope to receive juicy airdrops, but what’s happening in cosmos is out of this world. The whole ecosystem runs on the airdrop promised land. The narrative is to buy the chain token, then stake it to be eligible for future airdrops that you also stake to receive yet another airdrop. This whole system is a complete mess for me. Tera seems to be the only chain that isn’t fueled by this narrative. The technology is great. IBC, shared accounts and shared security(not out yet) provide so many possibilities. Yet, most of the liquidity is all in the carrot and stick approach. The situation is also connected with the first point. Influencers build whole bubbles around coming airdrop just to damp their bags on average joes.

I’m a big fan of the cosmos ecosystem and an active member in many discords. Those are my late-night thoughts on what could be worked on.

If you find it interesting, please share, would be cool to have a whole discussion about the topic.

