How to Be Open-Minded?

Alberta Yuki
3 min readOct 6, 2020


Today’s topic is about Open-minded.

Basically, there are 2 types of people around the world from their form of thinking. They are close-minded and open-minded. Open-minded people seem to have a better chance to discover the hidden potential in life. This is why they will continuously discover new opportunities from which they can benefit. Close-minded people are those who are quick to judge a situation without first mulling it over to provide themselves with a better chance to understand the situation.

Now, we’re focusing on the open-minded side. Being open-minded is generally considered a positive quality. Open-mindedness is a characteristic that involves being receptive to variety of ideas and information. It’s a necessary ability in order think critically and rationally. If you are not receptive to other ideas or information, it will be really difficult to see all factors that come up with effective solutions.

Before going into the tips, let me show you the characteristics of open-minded people and the benefits of being open-minded

Characteristics of Open-Minded People

  • They want to hear what other people have to say
  • They believe others have a right to share their beliefs and thoughts
  • They are able to have their ideas challenged
  • They don’t get angry when they are wrong
  • They have empathy for other people

The Benefits of Being Open-Minded

  • Feeling more optimistic, being open-minded can help inspire a more optimistic attitude toward life and the future.
  • Relationships improve drastically, of course open-minded people try to think differently and take risks, and they are often those who look for opportunities everywhere. They learn new things about the world and the people around them.
  • Encourages creativity, open-minded people usually have successfully escaped the confines of conventional thinking. They are increasingly successful in finding wonderful and effective solutions.
  • Having new experiences, being open to other ideas can also open you up to new experiences.
  • More prosperous, open-minded people always test all things and then choose the best option for them in their circumstances make prosperity more likely.


How to be Open-Minded?

  1. Find your motivation, in order to make it possible for you to embrace new ideas, it’s important to motivate yourself to try new things.
  2. Place yourself out of your comfort zone, you can make the effort to journey out of your comfort zone often. If you have certain anxieties about new situations, you should still take this step, but make these changes slowly.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, sometimes the only way to learn more about a certain situation and keep an open mind is to ask a lot of questions to gain a better understanding.
  4. Stay social and make new friends, you’ll find that you’re more likely to discover new opportunities to try new things when you stay social. Your friends might be trying new things that they can introduce you to as well.
  5. Fight the urge to react in anger when you hear differing opinions, just take a moment to yourself to find the wisdom to understand that everyone will not hold the same opinions as you. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and see things their way.
  6. Choose areas to develop, you can start with the small area to open up new ideas then gradually include more areas of your life.
  7. Give it time, it’s usually easy to get wrapped up in the emotional response you have to something. After you hear something, take a few moments to consider this following points before you respond:
  • Are your own arguments based upon multiple sources?
  • Are you willing to revise your opinion in the face of conflicting evidence?
  • Will you hold on to your opinion even if the evidence discounts it?

End of words, let me finish this with a quote :

Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don’t.

Bill Nye

Without an open mind, you’ll never have the opportunity to consider those other perspectives and experiences. You’ll never get to know what others know.

Alberta Yuki

