Jessica Smith
2 min readNov 27, 2014

I’m Thankful We Met on Twitter

You know the routine. If you work in social media or use it largely for professional use (to build relationships, learn, etc.), then I’m sure you’ve gotten really strange looks shot at you when you’ve explained that you met “so and so” on Twitter. After the strange look, you try to explain that it is — in fact — not strange to connect with complete strangers on Twitter. It’s a pointless case though: Unless you’ve embraced the platform in this way, it’s just hard to explain.

But I’ve embraced, unabashedly, the weird world of Twitter where I’ve connected with complete strangers, smart and witty people and industry leaders. And today I want to say this: “I’m thankful for you, Twitter connections”. Twitter has been one of the best platforms for me personally and professionally: Not because of the platform, but because of the relationships. You, dear Twitter connections, have shared your insights, your knowledge and your passions with me. You’ve helped me gain knowledge, challenged my thinking (like my disdain for real-time marketing) and shared your secrets. Through the tweets and conversations, I have learned so much.

One of the things I love most about you, Twitter friends, is that you are so willing to give and share regardless of whether you receive anything in return. You all have made me a better and smarter marketer because you are so willing to give your most valuable asset… your knowledge.

I hope many of us cross paths in person one day and get the chance to share a cup of coffee, but either way, I’ll always be thankful for this weird and wild world called Twitter where I get to meet complete strangers so much smarter than me. Today, Twitter connections, I want you to know that I’m thankful for you.


Love talking social and digital? Give me a follow on Twitter: @WarJessEagle If we aren’t connected, I’d love to meet you too.

Jessica Smith

Social media & content @UnderArmour. Proud Auburn alum. Dog mom. Love to blog. Believe in the power of stories. Coffee in hand always. Thoughts my own, period.