The Explosive War Legends’ Economy

War Legends
6 min readApr 24, 2023


Are you ready to learn about War Legends Economy? Look no further, in this article you will share all the information you need. With phase one set to launch soon, the War Legends team is gearing up to revolutionize the gaming world with an economy unlike any other.

In phase one, players will be introduced to the base of the War Legends economy, which will serve as the foundation for the subsequent phases to come. With exciting new features and gameplay mechanics, phase one is sure to delight players and keep them engaged for hours on end. So get ready to embark on an adventure unlike any other as War Legends prepares to take the web3 gaming world by storm.

Phase 1: Building the Foundation

The first phase of the War Legends ecosystem focuses on building the foundation for the game and creating a solid base for players to start earning and trading NFTs as fast as possible while progressing in the game. Here are the key features of Phase 1:

  1. 🪙Earn from Matchmaking: War Legends offers a unique matchmaking system that rewards players for winning matches. The more matches you play, the more rewards you earn. These rewards will help your progress your War Legends NFT collection.
  2. 🧰Buy In-game Loot boxes: War Legends also offers loot boxes that can be purchased with Gold. These loot boxes contain various NFTs and Upgrade Kits. They are a great way to quickly acquire new and rare Tanks, Heroes and Abilities.
  3. 🔝Tier up NFTs: War Legends NFTs have different rarities ranging from common, rare, epic to legendary and each rarity has 4 tiers. Tiers can be upgraded with the use of Upgrade Kits. Each NFT has 16 steps from from Common Tier 1 to Legendary Tier 4. Each upgrade improves the NFTs stats and gives you an edge in battle.
  4. Upgrade NFT Rarity: War Legends NFTs rarity can be upgraded using Dust. Dust is a rare resource that can be obtained from burning unwanted or duplicate NFTs in-game. This means you can upgrade your favorite NFTs all the way from Common to Legendary if you put the time in.
  5. 🔥Burn NFTs for Dust: If you have unwanted NFTs, you can burn them to receive Dust. Burning NFTs permanently removes them from your collection, so make sure you don’t burn any NFTs that you want to keep. When you burn an NFT there is a 3% chance to get a higher rarity version of the same NFT back together with the dust.
  6. 🏆Tournaments: War Legends hosts various tournaments with different gameplay, scale and rewards. Tournaments are a great way to earn NFTs, Dust, and other in-game items. Stay updated on any events in the Discord.

Phase 2: Enhancing the Gameplay Experience

The second phase of the War Legends ecosystem focuses on providing players with additional opportunities to earn rewards and enhance their gameplay experience. Some of the key features of this phase include:

  1. 🎫Battle Pass: The Battle Pass is a seasonal event that players can participate in and earn different rewards from, such as Vanity Items, NFTs, Loot Boxes, Dust, Gold and $WAR. Acquiring a premium Battle Pass provides additional rewards.
  2. 🏅Missions: Players can complete missions, which are specific tasks that need to be completed within a certain time frame. Completing missions rewards players with Gold and Upgrade Kits. Two examples of missions can be “Kill 5 enemies with the Flamethrower” or “Win a Matchmaking Game”.
  3. 📶Earning Modifiers: Players can gain Earning Modifiers by completing certain in-game objectives, such as 1% more earning per day of consecutively winning a matchmaking game. These modifiers also come from using higher rarity NFTs and owning a Battle Pass or Challenger Tank.
  4. 🪙Gold Contract: The Gold Contract allows the players to try their luck at getting higher value from their Gold, such as Golden Loot Boxes or Double their Money Back. They have 24 hours to level the Contract up from level 1 to level 7 to improve their chances. Leveling up a contract happens through winning Matchmaking Games, each game you win levels the pass up by 1 level.
  5. 🏆Pre-set NFT Tournament: This is a tournament that is open to all players. It functions much like our current Weekly Single player Tournament, but it has NFTs that have been pre-selected, that everyone can use. This is to ensure everyone is on the same power level while it also lets you try out abilities, heroes and tank that you might not have tried before.

Phase 3: All out $WAR!

The third phase of the War Legends ecosystem focuses on creating a thriving economy within the game. Some of the key features of this phase include:

  1. 💵$WAR: $WAR is the War Legends token, that can be earned by playing the game or purchased with real-world currency. $WAR can be used to purchase in-game NFTs, Battle Passes, NFTs on the In-game AUction House and for Tournament fees or traded for other cryptocurrencies on external exchanges.
  2. 💶$WAR Contract: The $WAR Contract allows the players to try the luck at getting higher value from their $WAR, such as Golden Loot Boxes or double their $WAR. They have 24 hours to level the Contract up from level 1 to level 7 to improve their chances. Leveling up a contract happens through winning Matchmaking Games, each game you win levels the pass up by 1 level.
  3. 🌄Seasons: Seasons are a time-limited event that provides players with new challenges of climbing through the Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Challenger leagues and subsequent rewards depending on your progress at the end of each season. There are NFT rewards that can only be obtained during each specific season.
  4. 🔨In-game NFT Auction House: The in-game NFT Auction House allows players to buy and sell NFTs with other players using $WAR. There is a 5% fee, 2.5% gets burned and the other 2.5% goes into funding the project.
  5. 🚧Limited in-game Loot boxes: To ensure a stable NFT economy we will add a limit to the amount of boxes that can be bought in-game each week for Gold.
  6. 📅Bi-Weekly 4v4 Tournament: The Bi-Weekly 4v4 Tournament is a free tournament that is open to all players. The winning teams have a chance of getting a Challenger Tank.
  7. 🥇Bi-Weekly Challenger Tournament: The Bi-Weekly Challenger Tournament is a tournament that is only open to Challenger Tank holders. This is the biggest reward pool in the game, where the best teams compete for glory in the battlefield.


The War Legends economy is an innovative web3 economy that focuses the earning around the NFTs and provides players with a unique gameplay experience and the opportunity to earn real-world rewards. After its three-phase ecosystem is deployed, War Legends will provide its players with a variety of features that keep the game fresh and engaging. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or new to blockchain-based games, War Legends has something for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Join the War Legends community today and start earning real-world rewards while having fun with your friends!

Thank you for wanting to learn more about War Legends Economy.
If you have any questions, concerns or just want to discuss it, you can always find us in the discord.

-Daniel Johnsen | Chief Creative Officer

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*The Economy will be tweaked and rebalanced as needed to keep it stable and fun.



War Legends

War Legends is a new NFT Play-&-Earn multiplayer war game where you can participate in exciting online battles in real time.