david warner
3 min readSep 1, 2015

Oil Pulling Benefits

Sparkling Smile with Coconut Oil Pulling
Can you imagine using coconut oil as mouthwash! Although it sounds weird, coconut oil truly can do great wonders to oral health when used systematically and regularly. Using coconut oil for its medicinal values is nothing new to mankind. Ancient texts of medicine and healing from various civilizations have given due credit to the healing power of this oil. Pure coconut is the base for many of the herbal medicines because it enhances the effectiveness of other components. When used as a therapy for oral health coconut oil pulling has shown great results and thus has been appreciated by the multitude.
PerlaCoco is one of the leading manufacturers of coconut oil pulling products. The oil pulling benefits are being revolutionised by this product as it not only whitens the teeth but also ensures complete oral care. Using oil pulling every day should be practice like you brush your teeth. It is a natural way of discovering your true smile.

How is PerlaCoco Oil Pulling Different?
There are many products in the marketing that claim to whiten the teeth and make them sparkle. The teeth whiteners are mostly meant to bleach the teeth and after a while the brightness is lost. Using any chemical based product on teeth for a long time can lead to great damage and serious dental problems in the future. Apart from this, there are products claiming to use coconut oil or any other organic substance for teeth whitening. Only after trying these, one would get to know how these products work. It is not enough to have just some kind of natural product but it is essential to have it in the right quantity and combination to yield good results.
On the other hand, PerlaCoco coconut oil pulling is 100% organic and uses extra virgin coconut oil for top results. This product is not only meant to make teeth brighter, but it has greater oral health benefits too. The concentrated solution pulls out all the stain and infection causing bacteria from every corner of the mouth. This way right from teeth, to gums to tongue, everything is cleansed thoroughly. PerlaCoco contains a mild mint flavour which leaves behind a fresh feeling in the person’s mouth after every use. Healthier gums, stronger teeth, cleaner pallet and even eliminating bad breath are all the oil pulling benefits a person can enjoy regularly.

How to Use It?
PerlaCoco has made it very convenient to use this oil pulling product by packing the daily quantities in individual sachets. All a person needs to do is order a 2 week trial pack from perlacoco.com and start using it regularly. This solution is to be swirled in the mouth for about 15 minutes when you wake up in the morning. This swirling action will force the oil into corners and between the teeth. The organic oil will pull out the harmful bacteria from around the mouth as it creates a protective layer too. Once done, the person can spit the solution and rinse his mouth as usual. Within 4–5 days of using it, people have testified that they could see change in their teeth colour and experience a much cleaner mouth. This therapy can be followed every month or according to your convenience.
PerlaCoco has made it easy for us to take care of our mouth with this highly effective organic product. One swirl of coconut oil pulling everyday can gift you with a sparking smile and long lasting oral health.