Be A Ninja-Be a Humor Ninja

Warren Brown
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2019


We have got to get humor back into our lives. “Why so serious?”, as the Joker said in the last Batman movie with Heath Ledger. Life is serious business some would say and we need to know when to laugh and when to smile. This is quite similar to a time to work and a time to play. In order to get more out of life, we need to tweak our words to suit the moment and the situation we are facing.

Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash

The humorless office is like a recreation room for lawyers, where you only crack a joke if you know you could win the case if you get sued the next morning. A humor-free zone is like a dry desert with a waterfall close by, which no one will drink from because it seems too real to be true. I have listed a few points to keep in mind when building a happier environment wherever we are in life.

Change Your Serious Face: There are times when you need to have a straight face so that people will take you seriously. However, we all need the time to relax, take it easy, and have a few laughs. Laughter is good therapy and works wonders for our health.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The Laughter Manual/ The Joke Book: It is always a good idea to collect jokes and to learn a few jokes to use for suitable moments. If you collect joke…

