Warren Brown
Heart Revolution
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019


When Your Dreams Come True

You have been waiting for your dreams to come true for so many years, but you have met with disappointment. Now, suddenly like a “bolt–out-of-the-blue” you have got a new job, new home, met your soul-mate, have a family and you are where you want to be. What do you do next?

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you are someone waiting for your dreams to come true, then you need to do a few simple things to make them materialize. Nothing comes out of thin air, except water when two molecules of Hydrogen combine with one molecule of Oxygen under certain atmospheric conditions. But, we do not want to make water in life, there is enough around for now, instead you would like to create a successful life for yourself and your family.

Make a list of exactly what success means to you. Write down a few things which you feel, that once you have, would make you a successful person. Success does not mean the same thing to two different individuals. One person may feel that working in one job for the whole of his or her life is being a success in life. Another person may feel that being the owner of her own enterprise, would make her feel a success in life. While another individual may feel that working in a foreign country, would be to live a successful life, even if employed in an ordinary career.

