Vernon Edwards
2 min readJul 18, 2023

Wealth Starts in Your Mind: 4 Ways to Develop a Wealth Mindset:

1. Set Goals, Be Patient, Persevere
Very few wealthy people became rich overnight. Building wealth is a slow process.

Facebook didn’t turn Mark Zuckerberg into a billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook with his hard work and dedication, and then reaped the benefits of his labor.

2. Invest for the future today
Most people think that money won’t make itself… Or will it? Compound interest is a process of growth that allows your invested money to grow exponentially over time.

Compound interest occurs when you earn interest on interest. Each year your money is invested, you’ll earn a percentage of interest on the total amount of money in the account, which includes the amount you made last year.

3. Never stop hustling
Now that you have a foundation for growing your money, it’s time to invest in the most important thing:


If you want to foster a wealth mindset, you’ll need to minimize time-wasting activities like watching television or scrolling through social media. Globally, we spend over two hours on social media sites every day.

Instead of wasting that time scrolling, take care of your body. If you aren’t already focusing on your mental and physical health, learn and practice "better health habits", such as eating healthy, sleeping right, and exercising the right way.

4. Maintain a positive attitude
Maybe you’ve heard of the “law of attraction.”

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. In other words, our thoughts and actions attract similar thoughts and actions.

If you think positive thoughts, positive things will happen.

If you think about creating wealth, you will bring more wealth into your life.

You must foster positive thoughts of wealth and abundance. If you dwell on the negative, you’ll get discouraged and give up on your dreams.

Start by erasing negative thoughts from your mind. Replace them with thoughts like:

“I will be rich.”
“I am good enough.”
“I can succeed.”

-Vernon Edwards

Vernon Edwards

Writer. I'll help you Grow physically, mentally and become Very Rich. Let's grow together