Phase 1: Blooming Spring

4 min readFeb 21, 2022


Join us in our new game, WASPvsBEE. A Risk-to-Earn, pixel art derived game that will change your view on honey making.

Synopsis: In a town called Stüfmel, located in Arihla, M. Buzz is said to be the best beekeeper in the modern day. Last spring, he was able to obtain a fortune through his hard work and became the renowned man that he is today. This year, he is more determined. He decided to load up his $HONEY reserves in anticipation for the upcoming season where his business thrives.

Arihla, the sunny and beautiful land where the sacred roses bloom every spring. Bees from all over the metaverse gather the finest $HONEY from these roses. The $HONEY translates to having more bees, thus faster and better gathering! But where there is light, there is also shadow, and what the bees fear the most are the Wasps.

The Wasps are very dangerous creatures that swarm the land and assault the bees and their precious $HONEY. Some even say the Wasps held some bees captive in order to enslave them and make their own honey. Their plan is to give the most $HONEY to the beekeeper in order to gain acknowledgment and trust from him, rather than being chased off like every year.

But, the bees had enough! They asked for a truce, and a truce is what they got. Although the Wasps saw this as a deal: In return of freeing the enslaved bees, they want to tax the $HONEY production. Both parties agreed to this, though the mischievous Wasps didn’t mention that they will not show mercy to any new born bees, any bee who try to play the hero part and, of course, the bees that don’t respect the tax agreement.

In the background, the beekeeper sits patiently waiting. His expertise helps both parties. For all the $HONEY safely received by either the Bees or the Wasps, he will stock all the $HONEY they have, without any risk of $HONEY being lost, and eventually sell them in exchange for other currencies.

Will the Bees be able to work harder this year or will the Wasps finally get the recognition they want? One thing is certain though, the beekeeper will have some work to do this upcoming spring.


There will be a total amount of 5 000 GEN.0. They can be minted for 1.5 AVAX each.
-You have a 90% chance to mint a Bee, and a 10% chance to mint a Wasp.
-You can mint 15 000 more using only $HONEY.
-$HONEY can be collected by a Bee through pollinating roses (stake). Although they have to pay a 20% tax to the Wasps every time it is collected.
-If a Bee tries to leave (unstake), The Wasps will try to take all the gathered $HONEY and keep it for themselves.
-When a new bee is born, the Wasps will try to kill it. This only applies to GEN.1 and above.
-$HONEY can be stocked by the beekeeper (staked) to earn different currencies without any risk of $HONEY being wasted.


Bees pollinate the sacred roses in order to gather $HONEY.


Bees are the most common characters. They have a 90% chance of being minted for Generation 0 (GEN.0) bees. For other generations (GEN.1, GEN.2…), There is a 10% chance your Bee is killed by a Wasp.


Bees pollinate roses and collect $HONEY. They gather (TBA) $HONEY per day.


Bees can claim the gathered $HONEY. In order to do so, they must pay a 20% tax in return for not killing a Bee, and they must then stay staked for at least 24 hours after claiming.


It is risky to try to leave the land with all the $HONEY. When unstaking, there is a 50% chance the Wasps take all your unclaimed $HONEY. This will teach the bees a lesson.


Wasps collect $HONEY from bees through taxes and can also kill new born bees.


Wasps have a 10% chance of being minted.


Wasps can stake $HONEY either through:
— Taxes: they get 20% of collected $HONEY from every bee.
— Unstaked bees: They can get 50% of collected $HONEY if a bee tries to unstake.


Wasps collect 100% of the $HONEY they have when claiming.


Wasps collect 100% of the $HONEY they have when unstaking.

$HONEY token

$HONEY is the primary in-game currency. $HONEY is an ERC-20 token.

$HONEY allows you to mint NFTs. Earn $HONEY by staking your Bees and Wasps.

You will be able to upgrade your NFTs with using $HONEY in the second phase of the game (Phase 2).

Honey Stocking

The beekeeper stocks all the $HONEY gathered by either the Bees or the Wasps.

There is no risk of $HONEY being lost.

The beekeeper can exchange $HONEY for other currencies.

