Introducing the “Cryptoeconomic Systems” Editorial Team & Advisory Board

Wassim Alsindi
2 min readAug 1, 2019


Following on from the announcement of our forthcoming Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit October 5–6, we are pleased to introduce our Editorial Team and Advisory Board.

The Cryptoeconomic Systems journal and conference series aims to be a reputable venue and scholarly publication of record for impactful original research and reviews, analyses & systematizations of existing knowledge.

Rigorous study of cryptoeconomic systems necessitates the synthesis of technical fields such as cryptography, protocol engineering and distributed systems research with insights from the domains of economics, law, complex systems and philosophy. We hope that this initiative will play a part in crystallizing a mature communal scholarly ecosystem of cryptocurrency & blockchain technology research.

The journal is to be published by MIT Press with a Diamond Open Access policy, co-ordinated by a Managing Editor Wassim Alsindi and three Editors-in-Chief: Joi Ito (Director, MIT Media Lab), Andrew Miller (Professor, UIUC/IC3) and Neha Narula (Director, Digital Currency Initiative).

Editors-in-Chief: Joi Ito, Andrew Miller, Neha Narula

Guidance comes from our Advisory Board, is made up of distinguished researchers from academia and practice across computing, economic and legal disciplines. Notable contributions to cryptocurrency research include: Bulletproofs, LibraBFT, modeling of blockchain network economics, Segregated Witness, governance and regulatory policy, zero-knowledge proofs, network analysis tools, and Verifiable Delay Functions.

Advisory Board members are: Dan Boneh (Stanford Center for Blockchain Research), Eric Budish (UChicago Booth), Justin Drake (Ethereum Foundation), Shafi Goldwasser (MIT CSAIL & Berkeley), Maurice Herlihy (Brown CS, Algorand), Simon Johnson (MIT Sloan), Dahlia Malkhi (Calibra), Sendhil Mullainathan (UChicago Booth), Arvind Narayanan (Princeton CS), Robert Townsend (MIT Econ.), Kevin Werbach (UPenn Wharton) & Pieter Wuille (Blockstream, Bitcoin Core).

Advisory Board, first row: Dan Boneh, Eric Budish, Justin Drake, Shafi Goldwasser, Maurice Herlihy & Simon Johnson. Second row: Dahlia Malkhi, Sendhil Mullainathan, Arvind Narayanan, Robert Townsend, Kevin Werbach & Pieter Wuille.

A peer-review Program Committee and Call For Papers for a formal research conference in March 2020 are here.

For more information:

