Wasted Potential Social Club

2 min readFeb 8, 2022


old school social clubs were a bastion of community.

I had to have been 18 years old. I was on my way to finishing High School, a semester late. I knew University was on the horizon for me, just didn’t know what to take. My Mom was sick. It wasn’t clear what it was. Arthritis for sure, also maybe some liver stuff. She had been in and out of the Doctors offices, with no relief. So obviously Chinatown was the next stop. Herbs cure everything. My Dad by her side, always. The shop owner did a reading of their tongues, of course. You have a son. He won’t meet his potential. This is where it all starts.

I don’t see a sons potential on here.

I wasn’t meeting my potential, not close. Dragged myself through three High Schools. Teacher after teacher telling me how I wasn’t meeting my potential. Really inspiring stuff. If only I put in more effort, didn’t cut so many classes, and pushed myself.

Wasted Potential, what a concept.

building a community of underachievers.

This is to push myself. To chase my dreams and passions. To create a community. To tell stories. To empower those that have stories to share.

Content will be generated by me, for now. I would like to share your content as well though. If you have ever felt like you haven’t met your potential, come and join me. Let’s share our stories. Let’s meet our potential, together.

