Redundancy Solicitors & Lawyers In London

Bob Wintour
2 min readMar 2, 2023


It is crucial to take specialist advice at an early stage when contemplating redundancies or a re-organisation.

We have advised on the design and implementation of many successful restructuring programmes. It means ensuring that the commercial aims of the business are achieved whilst carefully observing the myriad legal rights afforded to employees, including unfair dismissal protection, discrimination law, maternity rights and collective consultation obligations.

Our team has years of experience in advising businesses on how best to proceed when the potential need to reduce headcount has been identified. From a single redundancy to large scale site closures affecting hundreds of employees, we have steered clients through the legal, practical and human issues which arise. Our assistance helps you proceed fairly and in way which minimises the risk of a dispute.

Redundancy Lawyer London

Waterfront Law is a leading provider of legal services in London specializing in redundancy law. Our team of experienced lawyers can provide the best advice and support to those who are facing redundancy or have been made redundant. We understand that this is a difficult time for you, and we are here to help. Our lawyers will provide you with tailored advice and support on your rights and entitlements under the law. We can also help you negotiate an agreement with your employer to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. If necessary, we can represent you in court proceedings if it becomes necessary. Contact us today for more information about our services and how we can help protect your rights as a Redundancy Lawyer London.

For employees we know that being made redundant — or simply being at risk of redundancy — can be a very difficult time. We are proud of the many satisfied clients we have guided through the process so that they can achieve their preferred outcome. For some it will be knowing how best to challenge and avoid their prospective redundancy and for others it will be about leaving on the best terms.

Many employee clients come to us during the course of their redundancy because they have been offered a settlement agreement as part of an enhanced redundancy package. We are specialists at advising on and negotiating such exit terms. Since we act for both employers and employees we know well the legal, commercial and tactical considerations which are often in play on both sides of the table. You can find more information about the advice we provide on settlement agreements.

Check out more ->> Redundancy Solicitor London



Bob Wintour

Waterfront Law is a trading name of Waterfront Solicitors LLP. Waterfront Solicitors LLP is registered in England and Wales (Reg. No. OC343353).