Mainstream Deammonification Workshop

Dede Pan
2 min readApr 22, 2015

April 22nd, 2015 — Beijing, China

On April 22nd, 2015, a small seminar with 50 attendees was held in Beijing to discuss the chances and challenges of the state of the art development of deammonification.

It was a feast for the researchers in the area of nitrogen removal: Eight well-known technical experts including Charles Bott, Haydee de Clippeleir, Bernhard Wett, Martin Hell, Cao Yeshi, Tim Hendrickx, ZHAO Hong, ZHENG Ping gave excellent presentations on that day.

I, as the workshop organizer, was lucky to listen to their reports. It is an instructive adventure! Hopefully the workshop report can be sorted out and upload to the website of China Concept WWTP soon.

Opening Remark given by Wang Kaijun
Plenary Discussion
Presentation by Tim Hendrickx
Presentation by Bernhard Wett

Later that night my curiosity drove me to search for more information about the Blue Plains WWTP in DC and came across a juicy article written by Thomas Wirthensohn posted on the website of Office of Science and Technology Austria (OSTA):

In this piece you will enjoy a blow-by-blow anecdote that sheds light on how the DEMON process by Bernhard Wett was introduced to DC 10 years ago in 2005.

