This kidney’s day keep your health game on top

2 min readMar 25, 2019


Kidney disease is one of those rare disease that continue kill more people every year, and often flies under the radar. It is one of the rising causes of death and has tolled to 2.4 million people every year.

Genetic history of high blood pressure and diabetes increase the risk of kidney diseases. A higher content of protein in the urine is one of the prime causes for kidney failure. Largely it has been observed that many people come to know of adverse kidney state at a later phase.

On the occasion of World’s kidney day, let us take pledge to spread the awareness of Kidney disease:

Up your water intake

The fundamental rule to improving your kidney’s health is to raise your consumption of water. Aim for 1.5 lts or 2 lts of water daily. Also, consumption may vary depending on your age, physical activity, gender, climate, and health conditions. Setting up a water purifier will help you hit daily water goals faster. If you haven’t installed one yet, you can check our website to buy water purifier online in India.

Healthy water helps boost immunity by removing impurities, dirt, contaminations etc. Drinking a lot of water helps flush out toxins, sodium, and urea which is will lower the risk of kidney diseases and problems. Also when you buy water purifier for home, make sure you see if it has Orph+ balancing technology.

Balance your blood sugar level

Hereditary illnesses in the form of high blood sugar calls for more serious steps to keep them in check. There is a 50% probability that a person with high blood sugar will contract kidney disease. It becomes all the more important for a person with high sugar level to keep his kidney’s health in check. Kidney damages happen because of high blood sugar, if detected earlier the disease can be prevented.

Embrace healthy food

Binging on junk food makes your kidney run on overdrive. Long periods unchecked eating can make your kidney crash. To prevent the mishappening, it is important to adopt healthy food eating habits and eat moderate quantity of food. Reduce or eliminate the consumption of high carb and high fat food. Nibble as much as possible on fruits and veggies to ensure an awesome renal health.

Exercise more often

One of primary reasons for weight gain is high blood pressure and spiked sugar levels. This eventually leads to weight gain. Engaging in an exercise aids in weight loss and management. But, must also apply caution to the intensity of the exercise, more so if your fitness level is basic. Exerting more than body’s capabilities will put strain on the kidney.




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