How to Test Your Swimming Pool Water?

Water Testing
3 min readDec 1, 2016


Testing water is needed in different segments. The first important aspect is the home of yours and the second thing that comes to mind is the PoolWater Testing. There are different things that are to be checked out in the portfolio. Initially, understand the pool chemistry of the water testing kit. Here are the different things to be checked.

Things To Be Checked In The Pool Water

l Test the pool chlorine.

l You will have to get through the combined chlorine effect of the pool too.

l Test the acid level in the pools.

l The alkalinity of the pool water is also to be tested.

l The hardness of calcium that is there in the pool water is also to be checked.

There are few things that will help you to develop the perfect idea for maintaining the water in your pool. Chlorine in the pool is going to act as a sanitizer. The pH level of the water must be kept in good shape. It must not be lesser or more than the range of 7.6 to 7.8. Alkalinity must be within 80 to 100. The presence of cyanuric acid must be 20 to 40 ppm whereas the hardness of calcium must be around 150 to 250.

Types Of Testing

In case you are confused about the different Water TestingKit that must be used for the water testing, you must clear one thing before you. There are only two types of testing kits available. They are:

l Test strips arrangement and

l Dropper water testing.

So if anyone is going to confuse you regarding the different packages, understand that the packages are different configurations only. They are not the types.

The chlorine you put in the water body must be effective, and that depends on the CYA effect in the water. You can fix them all by adding adifferent volume of reagents in the water system. This will keep the entire thing in order. There are some of the things that are going to help you keep the kit ready for you. Apply them at the time when you feel there is any need

Using The Dropper Kit

l The first thing to remember is to keep the kit fresh and dry after the use of it in the measuring and checking. To do that, you can follow the instruction that is encrypted on the kit.

l After the testing is made and you find that there is some fault in the pool, try to release the body pressure on the pool and recover the balance that it must have.

Testing Pool Water With Strips

In the case of the strips, the procedure is a little bit different. The strips have the perfect level of chlorine, acid, and alkaline in it and the test will match whether the water of the pool has everything in it or not. Your pool is sure to bear all the things. The check out feature is the proper balance of the entire thing. You will have to use three to four square shaped strips to do the Water Testing. Do not try to go for any shortcut for the process.

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