Eclectic RN

Adriane Miley-Eclectic RN
2 min readJun 22, 2023

Hey y’all! (I am from NC, so “hello everyone” to the rest of you.)

I have 12 years of ER nurse experience, 2 years of hospice experience, and 35 years of A LOT of life experience including chronic illness, childhood trauma, divorce, type 1 diabetes as an 18 month old, Cushing’s syndrome that made me gain 60lbs as an adult which also took away some of my eye sight (and of course non of the doctors believed me and it took 6 to finally diagnose me), hashimoto’s thyroiditis, PTSD, and anxiety.

As you read this you are probably thinking “omg drama” or “gez what a trainwreck” but it’s funny, many people who meet me say “you are so bubbly” or “I had no idea you had been through all of this.” So, I have found this outlet to write about much of these things. One day I may write about a crazy ER story I remember, the next may include a story of something crazy that has happened in my life, or even a sweet hospice story.

I may write some sweet hospice stories. Or I may write about how my faith has gotten me through times when I felt there was no hope. I may write about my AMAZING and HILARIOUS 2 year old little boy and what a light he is in my world. There is a lot to talk about, a lot to say and I would love to hear all of your insight, thoughts, similar experiences and anything else you want to say.

I am so glad I found this outlet. Very nice to meet y’all ,or “you all” for you city slickers. ;)



Adriane Miley-Eclectic RN

ER Nurse, Hospice Nurse, Mom, Christian, Chronic Illness and Life Survivor