Ian Watt
2 min readNov 7, 2015

When I presented at #Opendatascotland in Edinburgh on Friday 6th Nov 2015, my topic was “Creating a buzz around #opendata”.

At the conclusion, I asked attendees what they would do to keep the buzz going in their workplace and community, and to share that using some pledge cards on their seats.

While not completely overwhelmed by the number of responses, the quality was great from those who did complete them.

Here are a sample from some of them:

I am going to keep the buzz going by………

“….going beyond hacks to How to create process App Design to Product to Distribution. Tell stories of innovative ideas that are working.[Library / Leisure timetables]. Support the idea of data portal — Rabbit hole idea t link up national to regional to Local open data to make it seamless for the user” — S.McC

“….‘beeing’ as active as I can be in promoting a ‘hive’ of spatial data. (does this win a prize?)” — IP

[no, honey — ed]

“…..working with Community Planning partners in our council area to get them involved in putting data on our portal, ad actively using the data to inform our priorities” — CH

“….. championing open data in my local authority and steering collaboration with community partners and community organisers.” — DY

“…..running an ‘open data using and producing event’ listing site: http://opentecgcalendar.co.uk (and we can get a community of people listing their events.” — JB

“….building interesting OD stuff” — Anon

“…..progressing our Open Data platform at our local authority and also speaking about this more widely there and across Scotland.” — GP

“…..keeping running activities such as this one.” — SK

So, some great responses and common themes coming out there.

You can find other posts from this event by clicking on the OpenDataScotland tag below.


Ian Watt

MSc Data Science Student. Director of tech4good companies. Former Local Gov Manager. Open Data advocate. Winner of the Local Govt 2013 Digital Leaders 50 award.