Why Crystal is my favorite programming language of 2017 and beyond

Christopher Watson
6 min readMar 7, 2018


If you were to ask any developer whom I have frequent contact with what my favorite language is I can guarantee you that they would all shout out a resounding “Crystal!”. The reason for that is simple. Whether it be Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, or blogs I am always sharing my love for the Crystal language. Hell here I am doing it again.

Now, my language of choice has been well established, but it wasn’t always Crystal. I’ve been in web and software development for 8 years and Crystal is still a fairly new language (not even out of beta yet). For the last couple years I have been a heavy JavaScript developer, but I’ve also worked with Rust, D, C++, Elixir, Nim, and several others. So why does Crystal take the spot as my favorite even though it’s still in development?

Well to answer that it helps if you understand, or at least have seen, the Ruby syntax. I know it’s a controversial topic, but I actually find the Ruby syntax extremely beautiful. I mean take a look at this code and tell me that you don’t just fall in love a little.

class SimpleClass
def say_hello(name)
puts "Hello, #{name}"
simple_class = SimpleClass.new
simple_class.say_hello("World") # => Hello, World

