Going Home

Captain’s log, day 2

Normal Earthling
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

(Day 1 here)

The Minnesotan in me thinks this is hilarious…

It cute, really, how humans who aren’t used to mounds of snow from October to May deal with the white stuff.

Ok, so it’s not so cute when their version of a snow plow proceeds to scrape blacktop at 3AM… with what appears to be a lawnmower with a plow attachment on it?!!? Right outside of the place I’m spending the night at. And there’s only single pane windows here, too…so noisy! And it takes the bloke TWO HOURS to finish the parking lot.

After that early awakening, my daughter Nora was disheartened to get the news that her newly adopted cat isn’t quite in the all-clear yet. We were hoping to show him his new abode today, but the vet wants to keep him a couple more days before he gets the green light to cross state lines and join us. Saturday, fingers crossed.

Moved lots of odds ’n’ ends today. Stuff for the kitchen, bathrooms, office/ art room. The whole house is a blank canvas, awaiting….

This house is huge. And all on one floor… a blessing for myself, whose legs often seem to want a side-gig at how to fail on stairs… let’s just say it’s a good thing I can’t feel below the knees. There’s some nasty looking bruises from my legs’ last can-I-fly attempt.

The farm’s barn cats are very feral, but once we are safely inside, they reconvene on our sunny front porch.

The farmers advice: Don’t name them. Once you do, they become roadkill. He’s pretty superstitious. But we’re going to take his advice. We don’t want dead kitties!

Meanwhile…. back at work: Anything to break up the stress is always welcome…

Our calendar at work. A Walmart special, no doubt. Just how does this get past QC?

Our last trip of the night had me frequently slowing down to pass an Amish horse and buggy. Yup rural, all right. I think we’re going to love it here!

Tomorrow the internet gets put in. (Needed for school!) This weekend friends with trucks and trailers will round up some furniture. Rumor has it I’ll have a bed. Like, my own bed. Not sharing with another soul. Not a couch or a blanket on the floor or a car seat. Woah. That’d be something.

Sleep well, fellow Mediumites!

