Waves Association e.V. holds second general meeting

Waves Association
Waves Association
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2020

The meeting made several organizational decisions and the association is now ready to step up its activities.

On July 7, the Waves Association e.V. held its second general meeting in a videoconference format, making several major decisions that will facilitate efficient and productive operation in the future.

Amendments to the articles

Launched in Frankfurt, Germany in January 2020 as a non-profit organization, Waves Association e.V. aims to promote the Web3 paradigm and stimulate development of decentralized technologies, including public and private blockchain protocols.

This was the association’s first meeting since its establishment. Over the months that have passed since the association’s launch, we have received substantial feedback. All comments and suggestions have been attentively considered, and most of them have been accommodated in the Waves Association’s articles.

The meeting was attended by 25 association members who adopted amendments to the articles and approved new membership applications. With the addition of new members, the Waves Association’s membership reached 34.

The key idea of the amendments is making the association and its procedures as transparent and democratic as possible. The articles’ new version will be soon published on the association’s website.

Working groups

For the association to operate efficiently and productively, three working groups were formed at the general meeting.

The R&D working group will be headed by Prof. Dr. Marc Jansen from the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences.

“I’m involved in blockchain research and development on a regular basis,” Marc said, presenting his candidacy for the group’s head. “I’ve supported a couple of startups and I’ve launched a couple of my own startups in the blockchain space. I’ve also worked with traditional startups and I know how to develop an app from scratch. So, I know pretty much all steps that projects go through in the R&D phase.”

Inal Kardanov was elected head of the grants and funding working group.

“I have substantial knowledge of all products in the Waves ecosystem as I’ve worked with almost all of them,” Inal said, explaining his qualifications and experience. “Also, I’m a tech guy mostly and I can be efficient in evaluating teams applying for funding not only from the business side but also from the tech side.”

“And, finally, I’m CTO of Billy, one of the ecosystem’s most successful projects, and I have sufficient experience with startups and understanding of how startup funding works,” he added.

The membership working group will be headed by Emily de Dios.

“I’ve been part of Waves since 2018 and, as an ambassador, I have good relations with most of the community globally,” Emily said, presenting herself.

The formation of the working group comes as a major step forward, enabling the association to effectively implement its goals.

Looking into the future

As of now, the Waves Association’s general meeting will become regular.

Among the association’s most immediate plans is the issuing of grants for the development of Gravity, Waves’ blockchain-agnostic solution aimed at achieving interoperability between different blockchains.

Overall, a lot of exciting and interesting work lies ahead for the association.

“Eventually, we will have full functionality of our association built on the blockchain and connected to the legal reality of a German association,” Sasha Ivanov, Waves founder and CEO, concluded. “It will be a great breakthrough not only for us but for the entire crypto ecosystem.”



Waves Association
Waves Association

Waves Association supports Waves, a protocol for Web 3.0 applications and decentralized solutions