5 ways to Improve Communication skills

2 min readJan 12, 2017


How to communicate with people is one of the popular question. We always search for that question on internet. St John’s College Agra prepare for you how to communicate with people.

1. Watch Your Body Language

If you talk someone uses perfect body language. If you talk someone and never see him/her or just watch your phone. These type of conversation is one of the worst conversation. Our non-verbal and non-written cues often reveal more than we think they do.

2.Get Rid of Unnecessary Conversation Fillers

Use shortcut spells in your conversation. Um’s and ah’s do little to improve your speech or everyday conversations. This is one of the best ways to communicate with your friends and family. If you use slang or short spell in your chat or conversation people more attract with your conversation and easy to listing your conversation with interest.

3.Have a Script for Small Talk and Other Occasions

Small conversation is one of the best ways to communicate with people. Small conversation or talk is an art most of the people have not have this art. The family or occupation method might help you come up with topics to discuss, and you can also turn small talk into the conversation by sharing information that could help you and the other person find common ground. These all small talk could make you happier in the long run.

4.Tailor Your Message to Your Audience

The best conversation is how you communicates and which kind of people Liston you. You use a different type of body language with different kind of people. Like you talk with your friend normally and as compare you talk professionally with your boss.

5.Ask Questions and Repeat the Other Person

Asking questions and repeating the other person’s last few words shows you’re interested in what they say, keeps you on your toes, and helps clarify points that could be misunderstood. If you ask the same question with your friends and see him/her. And how to they answer your question.




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