How do Millions of Indians Choose Short News Apps as their Sole Source of News?


India’s gigantic 1.4bn population is a massive open market for the news sector. With 900 private TV channels, and 1000+ radio stations operating in multiple Indian languages, the media sector stands at a valuation of a billion dollars.

While the news industry was serving millions of users across the country, and witnessing a thriving era of traditional media. Soon digitization hit the media landscape and a drastic transformation was about to happen. Here’s explaining in brief Print Media vs Digital Media

In a very short time, digitization was widespread in the media industry taking the whole media landscape by storm. It looked like a lost piece of the puzzle, fit in like a match, and this led to the origination of short news apps.

It all started with the launch of a hyperlocal short news app in the country, which sums up a whirlwind of unending news articles to 60 words or less. Soon short news apps are to become a trillion-dollar space.

But the short news apps growth has much more depth than just curating shorter chunks of news. Let’s get to the brighter side.

  • The anywhere and anytime news access

This worked like a true charm. The 1000s of news and updates fit into your pocket and a few clicks take you across the globe. Short news app’s extreme accessibility is the key component to make it one of the successful transformative executions of the media landscape.

  • Hyperlocal tapping

The location-oriented news and information are the magic element. It was new yet had high potential to become the new addiction in the country, and this is what happened. Hyperlocal is such a big hit in the media landscape that it attracted millions of users and gained 80% user traction in just a few years.

  • Engaging and Robust

The functionality of the app decides the reaching apex of it, and short news app creation and rapid scalability have proven it. The strengthened development and interactive interface appeal to the user’s eyes and weave a superior user experience.

  • Creative stories representation

Chopping up news and putting it out there isn’t enough. The users seek curiosity, interest, and suspense. Striking visuals, brilliant pictures, and excellent storytelling balance the user’s curiosity with needed information.

  • Exemplary personalization

AI constantly captures the user’s behavior and keeps the news feed precisely tailor-made as per the user’s preferences. Shows the user solely the news they are interested in decluttering the unnecessary information.

The buzz of short news apps is on fire, and it doesn’t seem to go low. India’s news consumption nature plays a pivotal role in making short news apps a huge success. Curious? Let’s take a look at India’s short news app market.

  1. 82% of Indians consume news online out of which 73% are on smartphones

2. Out of the 700 million internet users 523 million are consuming news online

3. 70% of Indian consumers read summaries in less than 60 words, 67% read top story headlines, and 48% prefer long-form content

4. Online news is forecasted to reach 700mn Indian readers by 2026

The rundown of news and content is always dripping on the short news apps. The flow of information is endless, boundless, and diversified. Apart from short news apps, other sources like social media and news websites are claiming to deliver hyperlocal short news, but still, users prefer short news apps over other sources due to their credibility, accuracy, and short and readable news content.

Besides, short news apps remain irreplaceable using cutting-edge technology deploying AI to make the news sharp and apt for the users. Users are engaging with the latest piece of news that keeps them connected to their natives i.e. villages, districts, mandals, and cities.

Thus, short news apps are empowering users through relevant news and updates becoming a holy grail of news and information for every Indian news consumer.



Way2News -India's No.1 Hyperlocal Short News App.

Way2News is India's leading short news app. It delivers every news and updates within 150 characters across 8 different languages in India.