Old Time Soul

2 min readApr 18, 2022


A collection of 6 unique audiovisual NFTs.

Old Time Soul consists of 2 renditions of one song, acoustic and studio version.

For each rendition there are 3 scenes hand drawn on a medium related to the song;

  • Acoustic: Pen and Pencil on paper.
  • Studio: Digital Illustration

Old Time Soul tells a story in 3 scenes, complemented by the song itself.

A story of a being with a candle head representing the human spirit in the 3 stages of his awakening.

First Stage — Illusion: Ignorant of your own light, you look for it in outside sources that resemble the vague memory of it. Never really fulfilling but close enough to maintain the veil of illusion.

Second Stage — Awakening: In a cathartic moment the illusion is broken by the spark of your own flame, breaking free from the outside source of illusion. Walking away towards the unknown, guided by intuition and in trust of your own light. The real journey has begun.

Third Stage — Enlightenment: The awe of awakening has settled, peace is rising from within as you sit silently. Your own light is enough.

How many times has this happen inside the human spirit?

Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/oldtimesoul

Turning Collectors into collaborators

As soon as this collection sells out, we (Wayak and the collectors) will start a partnership for the next drop, collectors will be eligible to have a 10% share on the sales of the third rendition of “Old Time Soul” which will drop 1 month after sellout.

If the collector is a musician they will have the chance to collaborate on the song but collaboration isn’t necessary to be eligible for the 10% share on the sales of the third rendition.

The distribution of the music to streaming platforms will be done after sell out, collectors will vote on which artwork will be used as the official one.


  • Private 04/23: 0.09 ETH
  • Public 04/25: 0.1 ETH

Whitelist is open!

Are you a collector of my old work?

If the answer is yes, you are eligible to be part of the private minting happening on the 23rd of April.

Just fill this form: https://forms.gle/a7K2bcurEarvtnyg9

Applications will be first come first serve and private listing will be reserved until public mint or sell out.

Disclaimer: The collaboration dynamic is for the primary sale, the 10% will be given to the first collector and will not be transferred through secondary sales.

