WayMaker Digital
3 min readJan 15, 2019


Building out your personal brand can be very challenging and immense.the idea of personal branding might seem like what was coined by successful people and that’s a bit overwhelming for the rest of us.

Your personal brand is basically how people perceive you, the opinions they form about you, and how people describe you as a company or as an individual. The set of values and characteristics that explains who you are and also guide your choices in every areas of life.

Personal branding is not necessarily about the style or colour you use on your logo,or the font on your portfolio, your personal branding is more of a statement that help you make personal and professional decisions.

Your personal brand assist people in understanding what you can do, what you appreciate,what you stand for, and the calibre of work they can expect from you.

Just as the engine is the soul of a car, your personal branding is the engine of your career, it is fueled by the content you produce and the thing you do in general.

Personal branding also helps in getting client and not just client but the right client. The clients who understand your mission, your working style, and who are excited to bring on your expertise on their project.

Are you wondering how to be proactive about building your personal brand in 2019 ? This are great tips that can help you achieve that.


Blogging is one of the best ways to build your personal brand. Publishing your point of view is one of several ways to build your personal brand through a blog.

The most vital personal development in the age of social media is the power to publish at will and express your idea.

Blogging helps you to showcase your creativity and thought leadership. If collaborators can have a good idea of your work process and habits, they’ll understand who you are and what defines your work strategy.


Linkedin is a social platform that means business and you can leverage on it. Linkedin is a networking platform where you can promote your academic or career changes and achievements.

Linkedin can also be referred to as your your digital resume, you are able to showcase your accomplishments for everyone to see including a potential client.

Your LinkedIn profile, is one of the first things that people will see when they search for you online,so it’s important to leverage on it ti control your digital persona. Ask clients for recommendation on LinkedIn — this is a sure way to have a good record of testimonials from the people that matter most.


Collaboration is very important in building a personal brand,build many relationships as you can with other thought leaders within your niche. This will unlock so many opportunity for you and help you grow your social following.

Search for people who create amazing contents and collaborate with them. Create great content together and also trade audiences. Everyone is a winner, and you’ll make some great connections in the process.


Look for a lens and engage viewers.find other people who are like minded and those who share similar believe that are in line with your personal brand . catering? Cook together, record it, and post it on YouTube. fitness? Lift other, post funny rage clips on Instagram and Snapchat stories respectively


Building your communication skills is important because you need to be able to communicate well — especially about yourself — as you build your personal brand.

Enrolling for a public speaking courses, or a writing course, and with regular practicing will do the trick.

If you are a technology enthusiast,you can use pitches at tech conferences, local tech meetings, and even in forums.

At WayMaker Digital, we help organisations to deliver their corporate goals around Business Analysis, UX Design & Product Development while adopting the Agile & Lean principles. Our core specialities include Requirements Specification, Business Analysis, Process Engineering, and we establish an Agile / Lean culture with Project Delivery cadence that’s repeatable and sustainable for the business & customers. If you would like to have a conversation on how we might be able to help, please get in touch.

Originally published at WayMaker Learning.



WayMaker Digital

About us: we provide agile solutions, cloud technology consulting and training, that enable our clients to consistently innovate and deliver customer needs.