The 10 Most Intriguing Secrets of Health & Wellness Science

Wayne Anderson
2 min readFeb 16, 2024
Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash

The 10 Most Intriguing Secrets of Health & Wellness Science

1. The average American walks less than half the number of steps per day compared to people living in countries like Japan and Spain. Experts recommend getting at least 7,000–10,000 daily steps for better health.

2. “Nature-deficit disorder” refers to the growing issue of children spending less time outdoors, which is linked to behavioral and emotional problems. Getting kids outside to play, hike or just be in nature has measurable mood benefits.

3. Light exposure, especially from screens late at night, reduces melatonin production which harms sleep quality. Wearing blue light blocking glasses after dark can increase your body’s restorative nighttime melatonin release.

4. The rare genetic mutation that allows “super-agers” to live healthfully into their 100s also correlates with longer telomeres. These protective caps on the ends of chromosomes shorten as we age in most people.

5. Binaural beats through headphones may stimulate brainwave changes linked to reduced anxiety, lessened pain perception improved sleep. Different binaural beat frequencies produce different effects.

6. Walking meetings not only burn calories but also increase creativity…



Wayne Anderson

Writing to Raise Awareness: Sharing Personal Stories and Insights on Mental Health Topics