Wayne Cole
7 min readMar 21, 2023

By: Wayne Cole

Although this article is publicly published, I’m just talking to a few. The people of Ward 8 in Washington, D.C. It feels like when I’m at a press conference talking to a player, but it’s as if there are no cameras around, just the player and me. As pointed out numerous times, yes, I am not from Washington, D.C.

You should know a little about the guy who drives down from Charm City to cover your team. I’m Wayne Cole, Yes, we spoke at length, but it was more appropriate at the time to learn your story than to talk about a word of mine. I’m passionate about sports but even more about Mental Health and Helping the community.

I was born and raised in Baltimore. I know the importance of “community.” I was a three-sport Athlete in High School. I could still accomplish over 900hrs of community service during my four years, winning a championship as a swimmer, hitting an HR in baseball in my final At-Bat, and holding the best soccer player in the State SCORELESS. I LOVED BASKETBALL, and I played, but I enjoyed it more as a storyteller than a player.

Like players have stats, I can prove my dedication to the community goes way back.

Yes, I started a Scholarship Fund but had to table it and hope to one day resume it. Getting funding is really hard to sustain something ambitious as that. I won awards in high school and College for my Community Service.

So my dedication to Ward 8 is real; my roots have always been serving the community. Here’s the award and me accepting it. It was something my Late Grandfather, Wayne Cole, taught me.

Now. As you know, my community Service to Ward 8 was not a photo op but pledging to op to stand at the toes of the foes who talk things about your beautiful community they know nothing about. (that might fly over a couple of heads).

I am a guest in the DMV. As I dig my roots in this community, especially Ward 8, I begin to say BDMV, “Baltimore, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.” I feel welcome here, MOE! I even ask for mumbo sauce and listen to GoGo music; that’s because I cover the Capital City Go-Go, so it really grew on me. This city is special.

I had on Washington Wizards gear, and I could tell the community was looking like who is this player?

Hello everyone! “I’m Wayne. May I have a shovel and help” I exclaimed.

I don’t know if they saw a ghost or what, but they obliged. Everyone stopped and looked at me dig, and dig and dig; that might be the closes I feel to how Bradley Beal feels when on the line shooting free throws. I had everyone looking at me so I couldn’t miss. Plus, I couldn’t let the young guys outdo (or out DEW me, as we say back home.) me. While writing this, I am still sore from the work, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. I felt like I played 4 NBA games back to back, and my back feels it.

You may notice I’m in all the pictures but one. There is a reason for that.


Francis of Casey Trees

Francis is the man! This guy is amazing. Francis is the Goat of tree planting. It was like watching Thor but in human form. Francis is from Kenya and resides in his second home in Washington, D.C. Everyone I talked to about Francis said, “He’s a great man.” I agree. His smile and warmth lit up the rooms and kept us warm during the chilly cold from digging.

The day was jam packed!

I met councilman Trayon White, Sr. That’s us at the top left. We met for 10 minutes to discuss ways I could get involved and pledge my support to serving Ward 8. We exchanged numbers/ information so I’m looking forward to getting to work.

Delon Wright and Daniel Gafford came out to the event. It was fantastic to see them in another element. They took pictures with all the kids who asked. “Wayne looks like a PG,” one kid said to me, I appreciated that.” Here are there interviews from the event linked below.

G Wiz promised me I could come to his birthday party. It was great to spend time with Dave Johnson. Dave was one of the first DMV people to believe in me. My roots in the DMV go way back. I remember telling him my dream is to work in the #NBA and he gave me some advice that I still hold to this day. I love that man. He supports me, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me. So see Ward 8, I’ve always been here!


As I said earlier, Ward 8, I am a Baltimore guy. Here is me walking in peaceful protest after the Freddie Gray Verdict in the streets with Carmelo Anthony.

That is also me with a classmate and Toronto Raptor Will Barton. We worked together in Washington, D.C., and two kids from Baltimore were an extraordinary moment I’ll never forget, and D.C. made it possible. He holds a community event every summer, giving backpacks, under armour gear, and school supplies, and I also help out.

The kids could not believe a Reporter cared about their community. It blew their mind.

I think Kids have to see us in the community. They have to see it to believe it.

The youth are our future – the youth matter.

When I’m not in Washington, D.C., covering the Washington Wizards, Washington Mystics, and Capital City Go-Go, I’m somewhere mentoring youth or doing something to help the community.

Vulnerability Incoming.

My whole life, I have dedicated myself to serving. I serve in many ways. Sports are a way to serve. I have coached and volunteered my time to youth. The scary thing about it now is more people are noticing; Matt, a photographer in D.C., said, “Aye, Slim, you are growing right in front of the City like a draft pick.” Others have reached out at the Arena to say hello, and even take pictures. I said it’s scary because whether or not I like it, one could say I’m a public figure who is serving the DC family through sport. I have to lead by example, which means kids from back home and Ward 8 are watching. I’m a role model. I have to make sure I’m leading by example for the ones who come behind me. It made me ask Coach Wes Unseld Jr about representation. The responsibility of it being an example for kids from Baltimore, DMV, and worldwide is scary yet invigorating. I guess you could say I’m a coach giving kids the blueprint to win the game of life.

So Ward 8, I planted a tree that might be used as shade, where kids run around, or ten years from now, you show the next generation what we planted

I’ll leave you with this. When times get tough, and you think it’s dark out, you’re not being buried; you’re planted; remember me. It took ten years for the seeds I planted in the DMV to grow strong roots as a cherry blossom tree. Everything will be okay. I’m proof, as you can see.

With Love, Ward 8 – Wayne Cole


For all Washington Wizards news, updates and more follow me @ waynec0le

By: Wayne Cole



Wayne Cole

Covering the Washington Wizards / Mystics #dcaboveall • #togetherdc| Sports Reporter | #nabj | Counselor | Podcaster #MentalHealthAwareness