Top 5 irritating scenarios common to everyone.

Kelvin Wainaina
2 min readNov 13, 2020

You know, humans are an amazing species, and how different we react to various situations makes life interesting. I mean, that’s why pranks are fun; some will laugh, some will be irritated by the prankster and try to beat him up!

An aspect that may irritate me can be fun for someone else. My choice of music could be irritating to my roommate. But despite this, various scenarios unite all humankind. Scenarios that just irritate everyone, and here are a few of them.

Traffic jam

Whether you’re in a hurry or not, no one wants to be stuck in a traffic jam, with annoying honks and sometimes a siren from an emergency vehicle. (As for some politicians, I enjoy it when they’re stuck. It’s okay for them to taste the life of ordinary citizens.)

In Kenya, we say “shuka utembee”, meaning “alight from the vehicle and walk”. But what if you’re the one who’s driving? There’s no way out.

Slow or unreliable internet

Did you know several people have lost their gadgets due to slow internet? They just smash them with their fists. (Don’t try this if you don’t have extra cash for a new gadget. Just punch the wall instead.) Everyone hates slow internet, one of the irritations that can unite the world.

On a lighter note, if you accessed your neighbor’s wifi password, and he’s late to pay for it, you have no right to be annoyed!


There’s a megasale with up to 50% discounts on your favorite products. You wake up at 5 am to beat the rest, only to find yourself behind a long queue. Don’t worry, everyone as irritated as you are. Just strike a conversation on how we all hate queues.

And thanks to digital banking, we can avoid unnecessary queues at the banking halls.

Late deliveries, broken promises

You ordered a pizza for lunch, but it arrives in the evening as you leave the office, maybe headed out for dinner with friends. Or that gadget that was supposed to be shipped in 1 week, takes over a month. We can all agree late deliveries are annoying.

When someone promises you something, you are always expecting it. They said it themselves anyway. It’s not only infuriating, but also heartbreaking. Do you always honor your promises?

Being robbed

You lose your belongings to a robber, and now you have to budget for new stuff. It’s so irritating, such that if one could catch the robber, definitely calling 911 wouldn’t be the first option.

Just strike a conversation with anyone who has ever been robbed, and you will agree on the same thing; it’s irritating. I mean, I’m sure even robbers hate being stolen from.

However annoying a situation, avoid reacting to anger. You may lose your favorite iPad- or your mind.



Kelvin Wainaina

An adventurous young writer, car reviewer and enthusiast, book reviewer and electrical engineer.