A little Gmail trick that’s saving me time and effort

Wayne Silbermann
2 min readSep 17, 2014


So Gmail has all sorts of optional cool stuff (labs etc). This one is so simple it seems hardly worth mentioning, but it’s made such a difference to me that I figured it warranted a dedicated post.

If you aren’t using the Send+Archive feature, you should be. It will save you literally one extra click (i.e. archiving an email once you have dealt with it), but think about it — it’s something you do ALL THE TIME.

You can find Send+Archive under general settings:

Your reply box now has an extra send button, and you have two options when replying to email — if it’s something you are done with you hit the Send+Archive button. If you want to leave it in your Inbox just hit Send. That’s it!

Many people may be using this feature already (and if you are — why are you still reading this??) but I was surprised to learn that most of the people I know using Gmail didn’t know about it. Gmail is great, but it can feel a little bit clunky at times — this is one of the things that makes it feel a little bit more like it understands you.

There are plenty of labs and third party add-ons for Gmail that take email management to a new level (and full disclosure: I am a co-founder of Sortd.com, which is one of them), but I have found that using this simple built-in Gmail feature has made all the difference in helping me keep my Inbox under control.

Kudos to Gmail for a simple, yet incredibly useful feature.

About the author

Wayne Silbermann is an obsessive list-making productivity junkie, and co-founder of Sortd.com (a Smart Skin for Gmail that helps you manage your email and tasks in a visually intuitive way). Wayne and his team believe that it’s time somebody reinvented email, and they are on it! Follow Wayne: @waynesilby (hit me up on Twitter if you want an invite code to join the Beta). Follow Sortd: @GetSortd.



Wayne Silbermann

Passionate about creating and consuming cool products that have impact | Entrepreneur | Lover of great design | Obsessive List-maker... #startups