Clean more to be more: Santa BrainWashing Master

Hugs and the Smile of Sir Happy Saint Edward Bernays: Propaganda Dance Papa

How do you brush your teeth and keep it pearly white?

It all starts with love. . .

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Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Life Lessons: BrainWashing and Mind Manipulation

(Revised December 21, 2023.)

β€œThe conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.” β€” Edward Bernays (1891 -1995)

Holidays are a magical time

. . for retail stores because people spend so much on gifts. Advertisement is a key factor for holiday sales, and there is one man who changed advertisement forever, so I bet you never heard of him, and I teach the art of writing and rhetoric, so I discovered him decades ago.

Philip K. Dick and Science Fictioon

When you think of Brainwashing, you think of George Orwell, you think of Philip K. Dick, or you think of Adolf Hitler, or you think of Joseph Stalin.

However, the father of all this is actually an American Jew, Edwards Bernays, who changed all of our lives for the worst.

Even the CIA hired him as it fought its dirty wars in Latin America, but I bet you never heard of him, for no one has, and he lived a long life and was well paid.

He remains the greatest mind master of poison who ever lived in America or the world, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote about the how America was greatly responsible for many dictatorships around the world.

Just look at Cuba, for we funded Fidel Castro and put him into power, for we almost had a nuclear war with Russia because of Fidel Castro in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

It seems like we have lost every single war we fought in since, and we created Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam by funding him, but he rebelled and America lost in 1975.

Both dictators did not want to be controlled and both won!

Food Pantry Blues

I met a Green Beret, who fought in Vietnam, one day in the food pantry who knew everything about Edward, and we both became animated for we met someone who actually reads and researches.

β€œThose who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” β€” Edward Bernays

Edwards worked for Wall Street originally, for only men smoked because it was macho, and Edwards is the one who was behind the advertising campaign: β€œTorches of Freedom.”

Secretly, he hid his name, for basically, this is the reason Capitalism works by manipulating our minds, our pocket books, and our greedy souls.

We have the freedom to be brainwashed.

Thank you so much for readings this. . .

My father died of lung cancer, so thank you so much for killing him Saint Edwards

Please clap, comment and read more.

Thank you and read more about him.

Thank you Santa Papa Edwards and Merry Brainwashing!

Spend more to show that you love more!

It starts with love . . .

Smoke more or wap more to be more. . . Photo by Dimitri Bong on Unsplash

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πŸš€ πŸš€ Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations βœ…πŸΏ

πŸš€ βœ… AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit βœ… 🍿Are you going to eat that? βœ… I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut βœ