Way Of The Warrior
5 min readMar 20, 2020


Dave Filoni Quote regarding the EU, Leland Chee having stated that Dave Filoni was the man to speak to about how Lucas really felt about the EU.

”The terminology of “Expanded Universe” was a careful one; it expanded on the world created in the core stories, but was never officially meant to be Star Wars canon, according to the Maker himself, George Lucas.”

~ Dave Filoni 2017

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”There is no more clear illustration of the difference between the Expanded Universe and the Star Wars created by George Lucas. The EU is a well of ideas, and there’s what’s on screen. They don’t live in the same universe. Everyone wants to think so, I know… We just need to think of it all as a creative collection of fun ideas separate from what George Lucas has made.”
~ Dave Filoni 2012

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”..at the end of the day there is a difference between what you see in the Star Wars films and TV series and what you see in those books.”
~ Dave Filoni 2012

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How early on did you know that the show [Clone Wars series] would be considered canon?

“Everything that I’ve worked on at Lucasfilm has been considered canon. Working on Clone Wars, it was always canon. I never really worry about it. I always figured that most things that are done in a cinematic form, whether it be television or movies, are the only things that George considered canon because it was the stuff that he helped produce. So,it made sense that this would be, as well.”

~ Dave Filoni Interview, 2014

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”This is Star Wars, and I don’t make a distinction between [The Clone Wars] series and the films.”
~ George Lucas, SciFiNow, October 2011

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“Back then We were the only thing really happening in canon while we did Clone Wars[series].”
~ Dave Filoni

Star Wars Rebels Executive Producer Dave Filoni Interview, 2015

Interviewer — “Thank you for making Darth Bane canon” [Referring to post Mortis arc storyline where Bane was initially cut along with Revan, but Bane was later appeared in the series and canonized. He didn’t canonized Revan later.]

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“For me and my training here at Lucasfilm, working with George, he and I always thought the Expanded Universe was just that. It was an expanded universe. Basically it’s stories that are really fun and really exciting, but they’re a view on Star Wars, not necessarily canon to him. That was the way it was from the day I walked into Lucasfilm with him all through Clone Wars, everything we worked on, he felt the Clone Wars series and his movies were what was actually the reality of it all, the canon…”
~ Dave Filoni 2017

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”In the same interview, Dave Filoni said that George Lucas told him, that the movies and The Clone Wars television series, were the only thing Lucas considered canon.”

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Do you consider The Clone Wars canon or part of the Expanded Universe? Is the old Cartoon Network show canon? How do the two relate and where do the two series fit in the Star Wars Universe?

“That’s one of the biggest debates in Star Wars, what counts? The idea of what is canon? When I talk to George I know that he considers his movies, this series and his live-action series canon.”

But theres never an implicit connection between the micro-series that Cartoon Network did previously and the series that we?re doing now.

~ Dave Filoni, SW:TCW 2008
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”The TV series is exactly like the movies, exactly. I mean, you can see it in the clip. It’s basically just the movies only with cartoon characters. It’s basically a dramatic series, there’s a lot of action, a bit of humor.”
~ George Lucas, 2008 Interview about the Clone Wars series.

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”The importance of The Clone Wars that cannot be understated is that it was the last huge expansion of the Star Wars universe that came directly from George Lucas.”
~ Pablo Hidalgo

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“I always think of the research you speak of as what I knew about the EU before I took this job. As I stated above, working directly with George changes the way you see the EU and everything in it.”

~ Dave Filoni 2008

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*DAVE FILONI: The First Time George Lucas Talked About Ahsoka*
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”This series [Clone Wars Series] at least to George is NOT EU, it is a part of Star Wars as he sees it. I think if anything there was a period where Henry [Gilroy] and I had to learn exactly what it took to be a part of George Lucas’ Star Wars, and tell the Star Wars story his way. We had to learn how to look at the Galaxy from his point of view and let go of some of what we considered canon after we found out the ideas were only EU. ”Really we had to “unlearn what we had learned” and go back to the movies as the defining source material.”*
~ Dave Filoni 2008

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Dave Filoni on George Lucas: “We still talk and if I’m stuck I will bug George for ideas.” Filoni went on to explain, “He is the canon. He created it and I respect that. One of my jobs and purposes is to keep things as intact to what George laid down as possible.”
~ Dave Filoni, 2020

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“When I was making Clone Wars, I always knew we were doing the ‘canon bomb,’ or the ‘continuity bomb,’ and I’d go into the office and be like: ‘wait until you hear what the Mandalorians are like according to George.’ And I would know a year or more in advance what that was going to do.

~ Dave Filoni

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Question from Reporter at Comic con International- Are Sabine’s teeth filed down, because in the EU men have pointy teeth and the women are filed down because they’re enslaved so are her teeth filed down?

“That’s not something that exists in the canon. George and I never once talked about filed down teeth or anything like that.”
~ Dave Filoni 2014

