Way To Know
2 min readJan 15, 2024


The Apple Watch is one of the most popular smartwatches on the market today, but it didn't get there overnight. The story of the Apple Watch begins with Pebble, a small startup company that launched the first successful smartwatch in 2013.

Pebble's smartwatch was a simple device with a black-and-white e-ink display, but it was packed with features. It could display notifications from your phone, track your fitness, and even run third-party apps. Pebble was a huge success, raising over $10 million on Kickstarter and selling over 2 million units.

Apple was paying attention to Pebble’s success, and in 2014, the company launched its own smartwatch, the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch was a much more sophisticated device than the Pebble, with a high-resolution color display, a powerful processor, and a wide range of sensors.

The Apple Watch was also much more expensive than the Pebble, but it was still a huge success. Apple sold over 1 million Apple Watches in its first weekend of availability, and it has remained one of the most popular smartwatches on the market ever since.

How many units sell?

Apple does not release specific sales figures for the Apple Watch, but analysts estimate that Apple has sold over 100 million Apple Watches to date. This makes the Apple Watch the best-selling smartwatch of all time.

What is Apple Watch net worth?

It is difficult to estimate the net worth of the Apple Watch business, as Apple does not release separate financial results for its wearable devices. However, analysts estimate that the Apple Watch business generates billions of dollars in revenue each year.


The Apple Watch has come a long way since its launch in 2014. Today, it is one of the most popular and sophisticated smartwatches on the market. Apple continues to innovate with the Apple Watch, adding new features and capabilities each year. The future of the Apple Watch looks bright, and it is likely to remain a popular product for many years to come.