Alabama Embryo Children

Congratulations Alabama Residents! Y’all just hit the lottery!

The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that embryos are children in Alabama. Now, under the Parental Rights Protection Act, parents of Embryo Children are entitled to $6,000 — $7,000 in education savings, medical costs, and all state funding for children in Alabama, including tax deductions for each embryo. Frozen Embryos are the legal equivalent of children.

IVF Hospitals, Clinics and Parents are now entitled to state payment as foster parents and parents of Embryo Children that require medical care for as long as the Embryo Children require it, with the State of Alabama financially responsible. What a windfall!

C. Earl Campbell DA 3rd



Charles E. Campbell

Author, Inventor, Innovator, Entrepreneur, Black Race Man, Social Worker, Founder & CEO focused on improving the social & economic conditions for Black People.