Automatic Sketch Exports for HTML, iOS, and Android

William Candillon
2 min readApr 2, 2017

Sketch is an incredibly popular tool for digital design. Among its many capabilities, it allows you to export an asset in multiple resolutions and formats. A typical use-case for this feature is the ability to export icons for web, iOS, and Android apps. However, doing this process manually is quite a hassle. Thankfully, Sketch provides a command-line tool that allows you to automatically export art boards. Setting up an automatic export of your images will save you time and will help you to keep your Sketch files as the source of truth in your project.

In the use-case of app icons, many free templates are available on the web.

Once your Sketch file is ready for export, you simply need to export it using sketchtool and copy the assets in the right locations. Installation instructions are available here. For instance, the following script exports icons in a React Native project and copy them at the appropriate locations.

The same idea can be applied for favicon and other images in your web projects. Using sketchtool in this manner provides a convenient integration between your web or mobile project and your sketch files.



William Candillon

Maker of the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series ⚛️🎥