Payday loans like 500fastcash?

20 min readMar 7, 2019


Payday loans like 500fastcash?

can someone recommend sites like 500fastcash? i keep just getting search sites.

Answer : I might suggest you to visit this web site where one can get from different companies: .

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Which is the best credit card to get after bankruptcy?
I recently filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and have begun to receive numerous credit card offers by mail. I want to begin repairing my credit so that I can buy a house within the next 2–3 years. However, I want to be extra careful about the card I choose. What sort of things should I look for in a credit card offer? I recently received an offer from Capital One with the following terms: no annual fee, 0%APR for 6 months (12.9% thereafter) and at least $1,000 in credit. It also states that automatic credit increases will be made to the account if you use the card within 90 days and make the first three minimum payments on time. It sounds sort of reasonable to me but I’ve also read a lot of negative things about Capital One. Should I just wait some more until I get better credit card offers from other banks? What are my options? Thanks.””
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Need some insight on my mortgage loan situation?
Okay everyone. I filed for bankruptcy in 2005, and it has been discharged now for a little over 2 years. I did the formal application on a mortgage loan (never owned a home), after being prequaled. I did the application on Monday, and my credit score being a 610 and a previous bankruptcy I have been sitting on pins and needles all week. The home I am buying is for 93k, and the tax assesor value is 110k. (I live in oklahoma), I am buying it so cheap because I know the owner and she and her husband are going thru a divorce and the agreed to get out of it fast and to sell it that cheap. Anyways, the seller just called me and said a appraiser is coming tommarow (Sunday), and I have not heard yes or no yet on the loan and it has been 5 days, is it that they are sending a appraiser a good sign that it may be a yes, and if it appraises for 100k plus is that even a better chance of getting the loan. I wouldnt think they would appraise it if they were going to say no, what do you all think””
“”If my credit score is below average, what should be my interest on a car loan?””
I’m currently paying 12.75% on an auto loan, I imagine because of my credit score. Sadly, I pay ALL my bills and all credit cards on time and have been for many years. Nothing is in collection except a couple medical balances that are very small. Apparently, the other thing against me is having too many revolving accounts. (even tho they always get paid off) My husband and I even pay off larger balances on cards when we get our taxes. This is how we avoid drowning in credit! Some ppl pay their balances off each month. We do it once a year. How do I get a better interest rate considering I do take paying my bills very seriously… Signed, Sick to death of being responsible only to get shafted by credit scores””
Credit Reports — Old Debt & Goodwill Letters & Pay for Delete Letters to Collection Agencies?
Its been almost 7 years on a old charge off — I was doing research online on how to improve credit scores — some sites suggested writing goodwill letters”””” and “”””pay for delete letters.”””” Goodwill — asking a creditor to remove an old debt as an act of goodwill and the pay for delete letter — offering to pay a debt only if creditor removes the account from your credit report. Has anyone had positive experiences with these types of letters? I’m worried that if write such letters to creditors of debt that is fixing to fall off my credit report — if they would sell the debt to a new collection agency and the 7 years would start over again?””””””
Is this the card where you pay $3 to activate? I can’t tell the difference from the Wal-mart Money Card. I have atleast $85 and I want to order some clothes off the internet for school. I just need the datails about the Wal-mart credit card, i guess.””

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Best way to get to a Human for Payday loan?
I have successfully filled out a quick payday loan app in the past, And had an English speaking person call right after with an offer. Is tjere someone who knows of this painless process? Its urgent. Tx””
“”What are my”””” chances of getting a home loan after bankruptcy?””””””
Thanks Katrina, that sounds reasonable, and is also a REAL answer, haha. Nice to know there are some HUMANS answering these and not just bot programs sending out a million scam messages a day. I am going to try try try to beat this 2 year minimum you are referring to. I think we have a shot. At the time, we will have about $100,000 in collateral, and our debt to income ration will be incredibly in our favor. We both own our cars with no balance, we have no credit card debt (obviously), and my wife only has 200 a month in student loans. Not to mention, we TAKE HOME over $6,000 a month after taxes.””
Best option to get a small auto loan?
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“Payday loans like 500fastcash?

can someone recommend sites like 500fastcash? i keep just getting search sites.

Can I claim bankruptcy for a bank loan?
Im in debt for $35,000.””
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Can’t view my credit report?
I visited and tried all 3 to view my credit report. I filled out the correct information and viewed Equifax. I answered the multiple choice questions like Where have I lived, etc. Then I get: We’re sorry, for your protection we are unable to deliver your FACT Act Equifax Free Annual Credit Report on the internet. There are a number of reasons that we may be unable to fulfill your request online. You may have a Security Freeze on your credit file, an Active Duty Military or Fraud Alert, or the identification information submitted online may not match the information on file. This happened on another one of the sites on annualcreditreport. On Transunion it told me No report found””””. I have put in all my correct information. Did my identity get stolen? How did they do this if so? (I’m 23 btw)””””””
Can I get Your Advice On A Bankruptcy Error?
OH yeah, and PS: I was told by my attorneys, (yesterday), that the mortgage company paid the back taxes. *I decided to call them up because I had heard in April, they were beginning a tax amnesty program where I’d only have to pay half the back taxes. But, they paid it! Attorney told me, they just want you to pay them back for having to pay the back taxes; we just need you to come in and set up a back payment agreement””””. Don’t think I need these guys! I can do bad all by myself! — as I’ve heard! What can I do here!???? -Ginger””””””
Do i have to pay taxes on debt discharged in bankruptcy?

$3000 personal loan to cover bills or should I charge them to credit cards?

Could anyone please share with me your experiences in filing bankruptcy?
I have been looking into filing chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy. I see that chapter 7 is known as liquid asset bankruptcy where I am told that the court trustee sells your possessions to pay your creditors. Can anyone tell me about their experiences with this? How much do they take exactly? I would also like to hear about anyone who has experienced Ch 13 bankruptcy. What was your final settlement like? I ams scared to death of either of these. But, I need to do something to get my debt under control. These interest rates keep going up on me and I have been paying everything on time. But, now the rates are so high, I am in over my head. I appreciate all of you guys and gals sharing your experiences with me.””


Where can I get an auto loan for about 4800 with bad credit?
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3 Years after Bankruptcy?
I declared bankruptcy in Colorado in 2008. 3 of the companies that were included in the discharged debts are hitting my credit report every 6 months with negative hits. The other companies left the accounts as is in 2008, and have not reported to the credit bureaus at all. Is this legal? I’ve been contacting the reporting agencies, but surprise, there’s not guidelines anywhere and no one seems to know the answer to my question. Can anyone help me? Can they hit my credit report whenever they feel like until 2014, when the debts are discharged off my report? Thanks.””
Why can’t I sign up to Citibank credit card OL?
I’ve been trying to sign up my citibank credit card online so that it woudn’t become a hassle checking my account. but why can’t I sign up? It asks for my citicard number””””””
Which credit card is best in India ?
I want to take a credit card. Its use will be minimal and mainly for online shopping or emi, if required.I have savings bank account in SBI & Axis bank. I dont have much idea about credit cards so plz suggest me which one is better…””
“”I make about 28K/Year, can I afford a 95K mortgage with ZERO DOWN?””
I gross about $2200 a month, have no debt, and no other monthly payments at the moment. I found a house for 95K (in Michigan) that I am interested in and was wondering if I can afford to buy it? Would I even qualify?I have NO money saved for a down payment, I have about $1000 in saving that I could use towards closing cost. This would be my first house. I rent now at $550/month, and have no problem paying that.””
Does it cost any money to get a mortgage pre-approval?
Should I get several from different banks? (I want to purchase a co-op in nyc). If I do, am I obligated to go with that particular bank? Should I get it for what I think will be the maximum amount that I may need? Thanks!””
“”If the annual interest rate of my credit card is 29.8%, how much?””
I think I’m not going to be able to pay the 100% of the credit card bill this month. If the annual interest rate of my credit card is 29.8% and I fail to pay $180 this month, how much do I have to pay for the interest in case I pay it 60 days later?””

What happens when you declare bankruptcy?

Is there any payday loans that work the same way as wonga?


Can i have a very short synopsis of merchant of venice?

How can i start my credit?
Hi, i want to know how i can start my credit line, I have a steady job, I’ve tried applying for store credit cards, hoping to start my credit but they have all been denied. How amd I supposed to start my credit? I’ve applied for JcPenney, Circuit City, Best Buy?””
Tried everything cant find a personal loan?
Hi I have tried everywhere and i cant find a perosnal loan i know my credit is not good but i have been working on that i also have a really good job just trying to get a small perosnal loan if you have any advise please let me know thankyou so much
“Payday loans like 500fastcash?

can someone recommend sites like 500fastcash? i keep just getting search sites.

I have a few payday loans out and i really cant afford to pay them back right now what should i do?

Are there any online payday loans that aren’t scam?
something unexcepted came up and I been trying to get ahold of some quick cash. I applied to some online payday companies but all seem to be some type of third party persons.
I am looking to get a copy of my credit report.?
I want to get a copy of my credit report and maybe even the score. Every where I have looked they want me to enroll in some program is there a site I can just pay one fee to see my report without all the other nonsense?

How do you get employment records from a company that filed bankruptcy and no longer exist?
need to have someone sign a form stating I worked for this company and for how long I worked there. The Veterans Association needs this from me in order to grant me unemployability since I was wounded in the Army back in 1987. There are really two companies I need proof of and one is way across the country from me. Please … there any help? Thanks
Can I receive money in Paypal without linking a credit card?
A friend of mine said that you can get money on it without verifying it and without a credit card linked to it… I’m just here to make sure.
“”What’s the best thing to invest in with $50,000?
and why?
What is the best Tom cruise movie?

“”I recently got denied for a credit card, they said I can request the credit report, who do I request it from?””
they put: You have a right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to know the information contained in your credit file at the consumer reporting agency. The reporting agency played no part in our decision and is unable to supply the specific reasons why we have denied credit to you. Free copy of your credit report We encourage you to review your credit report for accuracy. You also have a right to a free copy of your credit report from the consumer reporting agency, if you request it no later than 60 days after you receive this notice. In addition, if you find that any information contained in the report you receive is inaccurate or incomplete, you have a right to dispute the matter with the reporting agency. Who do I request my credit report from? and How?””
Will my parents be denied a loan?
I am a 17 year old senior in high school who is attending summer classes and a fall semester at the local university. I am not expecting to get many scholarships this year and am worried about paying for college. I have an appointment with the financial aid department at my university to talk about my options with them. I am interested in a parent plus loan through my parents but they filed chapter 13 bankruptcy about a year and a half ago. Will they be denied this loan? What will happen if they are denied? Will I be able to change to an independent status student in order to take more loan money? Any help would be greatly appreciated””
I applied for an online car loan. I was told all need to bring is a pay stub?
And utility bill and the trade in. Does that mean the loan is approved?

So were planning on doing bankruptcy.. tax return question…?
We went to see a lawyer about doing bankruptcy he said to come back after we had done our taxes so that we knew how much we were getting back. He said that he can only save 800 dollars plus what we have to pay for his services and court costs. My questions is if the court dates are a month after we get our tax check and if we have spent it will they still be able to make us pay what we recieved?? I understand if it’s in the bank account they could easily get it but what if we pay other bills and things with it will we still have to pay the amount we recieved?
Any advice on bankruptcy please?
hi, does anyone know what happens if you declare yourself bankrupt, what are the positives and negatives, can you still have a bank account?””

Do men actually dump women because of a bad credit score?
All of the commercials from seem to think so. I’m just curious to see if anyone has actually had this experience or if it’s just a sick marketing ploy.
Where can I get a personal unsecured loan with fair credit with a low income?
I have tried prosper but I decided to pull the application. I live in PA and for some reason it won’t let me put an intrest rate higher than 5% no one will lend to me with such low rate
Getting an auto loan pre approved before paying off my existing auto loan?
I currently have an auto loan for about 20 grand pay off. I want to get into another car, but before I sell my vehicle, I want to be pre approved for another loan (to be sure that I can get approved and into another car right away) HSBC tells me that I must risk it and pay off the loan THEN apply for another loan and hope I am approved. this sounds rediculous to me! because it is denying me EVERYWHERE based on the fact that I already have a loan out for such a high amount…what do I do to make sure I can get into another loan right away? any suggestions?? I have heard, but do they give good money for cars??””
Is it best to pay off a mortgage early?
have enought money to payoff my 150K home loan (5.2% for 14 years)
I need some advice on filing for bankruptcy in Ohio?
My parents filed a chapter 7 in 2001. In 2005, my mom was in a serious accident leaving her disabled and unable to work. As a result in 2006 they lost their home to foreclosure. They are wanting to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy to rid themselves of the remainder of the medical bills and the difference they owe on their foreclosed home. Unfortunately they cannot afford an attorney and want me to file it for them. I was going to buy software online, but I was hoping someone with experience would be able to point me in the right direction. Also, how much are the filing costs for bankruptcy (chapter 7) in Ohio? Currently their debt exceeds their income.””

How long do banks give you to pay back an auto loan if you have bad credit?
trying to get a loan for 2500. have bad crdit how long you think they would give me to pay that back?
Good way to rebuild credit after bankruptcy?
i wanted to know what the best way to rebuild my credit after bankruptcy would be i dont want a credit card and i really dont know if i can afford a car right now can a contract mobile phone be used as a way to rebuild credit? thanks
Credit Card Question?
I’m 24 and graduated college last year. I only have a bank of america credit card. The limit is $3000/month. I also only have a bank of america student checking account that i opened 4–5 years ago and i still use it. I know credit cards have those high interest rates but are those rates only if you don’t pay your bill on time? I never understood what it meant by credit card and high interest rates. I never had to pay any fees with bank of america when using their credit card. I still receive those mails from chase, discover, citibank etc asking me to sign up for credit card and low apy fees. I wouldn’t mind getting another credit card because of my $3000 limit with BoA. Last time i asked for a limit increase but i told them i had no job and they said they couldn’t increase it because of that reason. Would it be a good idea to get more credit cards? I don’t usually spend that much money per month but there were a few times where i hit my limit for the month and couldn’t spend anymore money on my credit card. If i sign up for a chase or citibank credit card, would it cost me anything if i use the card rarely? Also, if i have a credit card with chase, citibank, that means i would have to get a checking account with them correct to pay the credit card bill online? I pay all my credit card charges using online banking with bank of america.””

“Payday loans like 500fastcash?

can someone recommend sites like 500fastcash? i keep just getting search sites.


How does credit card APR affect you even if you pay off your balance in time?
I’ve been thinking as long as you pay off your credit card balance in time before their due date, you only pay for what you swipe. I thought APR kicks in ONLY if you don’t pay in time. Am I wrong or right? Please explain. Thank.””
Does anybody know how to make money a.s.a.p?
i wanted to know if anybody knows of how to make fast cash. with no loans and no paid emails and no surveys i need like a part time online job that pays good and start a.s.a.p with out paying to start and that pays you through paypal or cash or personal check ..


Thinking of bankruptcy?
Me and my fianc had a car and the loan was in both of our names and along with other debt I am thinking about filing for bankruptcy my question is if I file for bankruptcy and he doesnt is the bank going to continue to go after him for the money we owe on the car or will they have to drop it
Can you explain Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Did u file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and was it worth it to you?

Mortgage loan for house under 50k…please help!!!?
I’m a first time buyer and I want to buy a house in the 20–30k range. I found one my husband and I LOVE for 27k! Problem is my realtor is saying I cant get a mortgage loan for under 50k. She is saying take out a personal loan but our payments per month would be too high for us. So is there anywhere I can get a mortgage loan under 50k??? And if so could I have a cosigner? Because we have no credit lol Please help, TIA!””
I want to warn everyone who is thinking about getting a payday loan. Please don’t go to United Cash Loans. Here is my story. Last year I was offered a Loan (Sterling, Finche) which turned out to be a scam. I borrowed from United Cash Loans and a few other Payday Loans to get the payment for Sterling Finche (which turned out to be a scam). I was unable to pay the payday loans back (due to the loan scam). I then turned for help to Payday Loan Assistance. I would recommend PDL Assistance to anyone who is having trouble paying their payday loans back. Now, back to United Cash Loans. Even though PDL assistance has talked to them several times, United Cash Loans still continues to call me 2 times a day/6 days a week. They call at my job and my home. I have told them numerous times not to call me at work, but they continue. I have also told them numerous times that they should be talking to PDL assistance. I have reported them several times to the Federal Trade Commission, and I will continue reporting them every day until they stop calling. If you need a Payday loan, please go somewhere else….Don’t go to United Cash Loans.””
Does debt settlement hurt your credit?
We just got an offer from Bank of America that offered us a chance to settle our $4000 debt for $1200 if we do it in 4 payments. We are delinquent on the account, I believe past 90 days without a payment, so its already affecting our credit report. By taking this settlement, would it affect my score even more in the years to come as we rebuild our credit?””
What banks offer new auto loans under 5.00%?
My credit is excellent- Middle score of 783.


Is it illegal for banks to charge higher interest rates for loans than they pay depositors?

When are there simply no other options than declaring bankruptcy?
I’m going through a divorce and just lost my job (our family’s only income).. we have no nestegg as we’re buried in debt. Are there no other better options than bankruptcy?
“”I just found out someone got a mortgage loan under my name, what do I do now?””
I’m sorry I may have been unclear, the first questions said something like, which mortgage company do you have a loan with opened in such and such date”””” to which i answered none of the above. The second question was “”””how much do you pay for mortgage”””” I also answered none of the above. The other questions were basic like where was my card issued and what is my state of residence etc. So I know I didn’t get those wrong but when I clicked “”””apply”””” they said that they could not process the app. because my answers did not match my report.””””””
Has anyone bought a car from Real Motor Japan? Are they reliable?

PLEASE HELP! Question about my credit card/settlement?
hello-id really appreciate any help with this! i have a best buy credit card, it’s not a visa, but just a department store credit card that i can only use at best buy. i owe about $2500 because of computer stuff i bought for college and paid late many times because of problems with my student loans. anyhow, they offered me a settlment: and if i agree they will deduct $700 from the total amount owed. my question is should i go through with it? i can ultimately pay it off, but should i save $700 instead? how badly will this affect my credit….i mean since it’s just a store credit card rather than a visa, perhaps it won’t even show up on my credit report? im basically torn as to whether i should take the settlement? are the damages to my credit (if any at all) worth saving $700 or is it best to just pay the total amount owed? i could really use the extra $700 as a struggling college student and most of that was just accrued late fees on my best buy card anyway….what should i do? i’d appreciate any help with this matter whatsoever, thank you so much!!!””

Is there any website were I can search bankruptcy records?

What is the average cost of bankruptcy in Colorado (colorado only please). ? ?
Last I heard depending on whom you used for your lawyer or company it was between $500 and $1000. That was 4 years ago. A friend of mine just got a quote for $1500. I believe it may have gone up , but that seems a bit high. And Btw, I mean chapter 7. Thanks in Advance””
If i apply for an auto loan do i have to have a driver licsence first?

$3500 auto loan for used car?
Im 19 and have a job. Im trying to buy a car off craigslist but need a $3500 loan for a used car with low apr rates. Im new to loans and credit unions, so dont know where to look and whats good for me or not. PLEASE HELP!!! i need a car already.. >.< Im also tring to pay off the loan quick. Like within 8–11 months.””

“Payday loans like 500fastcash?

can someone recommend sites like 500fastcash? i keep just getting search sites.

