SOAP Web Services

Bihara Jayawardhana
1 min readSep 5, 2022


Nowadays there are huge numbers of applications which are designed using different programming languages. Exchanging data between applications is most important when it comes to two types of programming languages. One of the methods is that use XML (Extensible Markup Language) as an intermediate language for exchanging data between two applications. It is a top choice because every programing language can understand XML which means language-independent and platform-independent.

SOAP stands for simple object access protocol and SOAP was designed to work with XML over HTTP. It has some specifications which can be used across all applications. There are many advantages of using SOAP as a protocol for data exchange between applications.

· SOAP is a lightweight protocol for communicating between two applications.

· SOAP is a language-independent and platform-independent protocol.

· SOAP works on HTTP which is the default protocol used by all web applications. Therefore, there is no need for any customization to run applications which are built on top of the SOAP protocol.

Hope you will find something useful in this article. Thank you :)

