How to be productive while coding

Edgardo Rodríguez
2 min readNov 7, 2023


Planning and organization

Create a daily to-do list with only essential tasks, and remember to organize them by priority. Not everything has the same level of importance, so schedule the most crucial tasks during the hours when you can achieve maximum concentration.

Deep Work

Engage in Deep Work. Once you’ve identified the most important tasks, usually one or three, allocate dedicated blocks of time for deep concentration. Focus on one thing at a time, and avoid multitasking at all costs. Multitasking won’t yield great results; instead, it leads to mediocre outcomes.

What I recommend is having 90-minute blocks of uninterrupted focus on the task at hand. For instance, if you need to write code for a new feature you’re working on, concentrate on that and see it through.

Clean and organized

Keep your environment clean and organized. When your workspace is tidy and well-organized, you’ll feel better and be more inclined to work. Remember that we are visual creatures, so in a neat environment, you’ll be more likely to stay focused.

Avoid distractions

Turn off notifications on both your phone and computer during your Deep Work sessions to resist the temptation of checking social media.

If you don’t need your phone for the task at hand, consider leaving it in another room or out of reach to prevent using it during your work sessions.



Edgardo Rodríguez

Building my ideas into life with code. Showing you how to be a productive programmer and how to build good-looking websites.