Funny Book Titles

Book Addict
2 min readJan 13, 2024


Numerous funny book titles make people laugh and purchase books without even reading a blurb. To honor the topic of the article, we won’t be showing covers or stating authors. Just pure titles.

One title is “Long Live Hoes.” You might guess what it is about. A little hint: it’s not about gardening. The other insane name for the book is “Helping the Retarded to Know God.” And now comes the title that many call a book for them. It’s a short manual called “100 Affirmations for Marrying a Millionaire.”

We have to mention “The Best Dad is a Good Lover.” For all lgbt members, we have “The Big Book Of Lesbian Horse Stories.” The next title is about survival — “How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack. Defend Yourself When the Lawn Warriors Strike (and They Will).” The following is a little unusual and goes like this — “The Jewish-Japanese Sex & Cook Book and How to Raise Wolves.”

There is also a book called “How to Snag a Millionaire When You’re Not the Prettiest Girl in the Room.” The next title is dedicated to men, “Turbo Masturbo’s Manual on How to Masturbate Properly.” And one funny author decided it’s time to write the book that all married men should read — “Teach Your Wife to Be a Widow.”

What title do you find the funniest?

