How Did Boromir Die?

Book Addict
2 min readJan 4, 2024


There are differences in Boromir’s death when it comes to a movie and a book.

How Did Boromir Die?

In the movie, Boromir dies at the end of the first part. However, in Tolkien’s book, Boromir dies at the beginning of the second book “The Two Towers”. It isn’t the only difference though.

According to the movie, Boromir’s last words are, “I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king.” He remains motionless after them. The important thing is that Boromir accepts Aragorn as his king. It’s not how he speaks in a book.

While a part about repenting for attempting to take the ring from Frodo is pretty much the same, in his last words, Boromir doesn’t acknowledge Aragorn as a king. Instead, he says, “Farewell, Aragorn! Go to Minas Tirith and save my people! I have failed.” This means there was no reconciliation regarding the question of who would wear the crown. There are a couple of other differences as well.

In the book, Aragorn asks Boromir where the orcs took Hobbits. However, there was no reply because Boromir had already died. In the movie, after Boromir releases his last breathAragorn doesn’t ask anything but says something in an Elvish language. In the movie, during his last scene, Boromir makes grim predictions saying how humanity is going to perish under the darkness. In the book, Boromir speaks much less.

In the movie, Boromir was lying on the ground when Aragorn found him. In the book, Boromir was sitting with his back leaning against a big tree and still holding on to his sword. In the movie, right before he dies, Aragorn pushes the sword into Boromir’s hand.

However, in both the movie and the book, Boromir dies from wounds made by arrows but manages to kill a whole bunch of orcs before.

