How Did Humpty Dumpty Die?

Book Addict
2 min readNov 26, 2023


Humpty Dumpty died from a fall. He was sitting on a wall when he lost his balance and fell. Since he was an egg, he smashed and nobody in the whole kingdom could put him back together. But this does not conclude the answer to the question by far.

How Did Humpty Dumpty Die?
Humpty Dumpty

We can’t really be sure if Humpty Dumpty died or not. The rhymes don’t mention his death.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King’s horses
And all the King’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Did Humpty Dumpty Die?

While Humpty Dumpty did fall and dispersed into pieces, it doesn’t necessarily mean he died. It just means he had a severe fall. We don’t even know how many pieces he broke. It could be two pieces. It could be many. What we do know is that the king’s horses and man couldn’t help him.

But it doesn’t mean there was no hope for Humpty Dumpty. The message could easily be that after a great fall, we are the only ones who can put ourselves together and keep going. Another important motive is the fact that he was sitting on the wall. It is a seemingly safe place to be. This circumstance points out that great falls can come when we least expect them.

To make everything even more interesting, we don’t really know if Humpty Dumpy was an egg.

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