What Is the First Written Quote?

Book Addict
2 min readDec 20, 2023


The first written quote is, “He who leaves the fight unfinished, cannot be at peace”.

What Is the First Written Quote?
The first written quote

The author of this quote is Sumerian civilization. This is written in the first book in human history, “The Epic of Gilgamesh”. The epic quote was said by Gilgamesh when he and his companion Enkidu were about to face the demon Humbaba. Enkidu was afraid, for the demon they were up against was a terrible creature indeed. He begged Gilgamesh to let him go back to the city and tell about his great deeds and his glorious death that was about to happen.

However, Gilgamesh was sure the two of them were going to prevail. Right before they faced Humbaba, he said to Enkidu,

“Take your axe in your hand and attack. He who leaves the fight unfinished cannot be at peace.”

And indeed, Enkidu obeyed. When they confronted the demon, Gilgamesh burst into tears just from Humbaba looking at him manacingly. The hero cried out to the god of his son, Shamash, begging for help. With the help of winds Shamash sent, Enkidu and Gilgamesh managed to overpower Humbaba.

The demon started crying and saying how he had never known his mother and father. He begged Gilgamesh to spare him and promised to build him a palace from all the woods in the forest. But Gilgamesh and Enkidu eventually slaughtered him.

The Epic of Gilgamesh dates back to 1800 B.C. It was written on clay tablets in Akkadian language. It is an impressive piece of writing, especially if we take into account that it was the first book ever written.

“Take your axe in your hand and attack. He who leaves the fight unfinished cannot be at peace.”

By Gilgamesh

