Who Is Patrick Bateman?

Book Addict
2 min readApr 12, 2024


Patrick Bateman is the fictional protagonist and anti-hero of Bret Easton Ellis’s 1991 novel “American Psycho.”

Who Is Patrick Bateman?
Patrick Bateman

He is a wealthy, narcissistic, and psychopathic investment banker living in Manhattan during the 1980s. Patrick Bateman is a complex and disturbing character whose outward appearance of success and affluence belies his inner turmoil, violent tendencies, and profound detachment from reality.

Dual Personality

Patrick Bateman is portrayed as a character with a dual identity — outwardly, he presents himself as a charming and attractive young man with a successful career, expensive tastes, and a social circle of elite friends. However, beneath this façade lies a sadistic and depraved individual with a penchant for extreme violence, murder, and sadism.

Psychopathic Tendencies

Bateman exhibits classic traits of psychopathy, including a lack of empathy, shallow emotional responses, and a predilection for manipulative and violent behavior. His dissociation from the consequences of his actions and his ability to compartmentalize his dark urges are key aspects of his character.

Obsession with Materialism

Throughout the novel, Patrick Bateman obsesses over material possessions, status symbols, and outward appearances. His fixation on designer clothing, upscale restaurants, and luxurious amenities serves as a commentary on the shallow and consumer-driven culture of 1980s Manhattan, reflecting a society obsessed with wealth and image.

Violent and Sadistic Behavior

One of the most unsettling aspects of Patrick Bateman is his capacity for extreme violence and sadism. He engages in brutal acts of murder, torture, and mutilation, often targeting marginalized or vulnerable individuals without remorse or compassion. His violent tendencies are depicted in graphic detail, illustrating the depths of his depravity and moral decay.

Identity Crisis

As the story progresses, Patrick Bateman grapples with a profound sense of disorientation and identity crisis. He struggles to maintain a sense of self amidst the superficiality and emptiness of his affluent lifestyle, leading to a descent into madness and existential despair.


Overall, Patrick Bateman is a complex and enigmatic character who embodies the darker aspects of human nature, societal decadence, and moral decay. Through his portrayal in “American Psycho,” Bret Easton Ellis offers a chilling and provocative exploration of the emptiness and alienation that can arise from the pursuit of material wealth, social status, and power. Patrick Bateman serves as a disturbing yet compelling representation of the dangers of unchecked ego, moral ambiguity, and the potential for darkness that lurks within us all.

