CRM Talks #9 with Yanna-Torry Aspraki

Yanna-Torry, Deliverability Specialist & CRO at EmailConsul, delves into the topic of CRM as a centralized platform for managing customer data, including the analysis of “negative” behavior, and sheds light on the future of CRM regarding personalization and AI.

WeAgency Digital
4 min readApr 13, 2023

Today, we have the pleasure of discussing the CRM industry with Yanna-Torry Aspraki, a seasoned expert in email deliverability and the current Deliverability Specialist & CRO at EmailConsul.

Yanna-Torry will delve into the topic of CRM as a centralized platform for managing customer data, including the analysis of "negative" behavior, and shed light on the future of CRM regarding personalization and AI.

Could you provide your definition of CRM?

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is crucial for any business that wants to maintain and strengthen customer relationships. It is a centralized platform where all customer information can be collected, organized, and analyzed.

This is essential for effective communication, personalized marketing, and, ultimately, driving sales.

As a deliverability specialist, I understand the importance of having a CRM that can effectively manage consent and ensure that all communications comply with regulations. In addition, having a centralized system allows for efficient list management, which is crucial for excellent deliverability.

By choosing the right tool for your business and organizing data correctly, different systems can communicate with each other seamlessly, reducing errors and maintaining data integrity.

Ultimately, a well-managed CRM system allows marketers and salespeople to work more efficiently and effectively while ensuring that all communications are personalized and compliant with regulations.

Why is it necessary for companies to implement CRM?

A centralized CRM system is crucial for effectively managing customer data, especially when maintaining customer consent for email communications.

As a deliverability specialist, I rely on a CRM system to ensure that all customer data is managed effectively and that consent is tracked accurately, especially when there are many data collection and management sources. Effective list management is essential for excellent deliverability, so choosing the right tool and correctly organizing data is essential.

To prevent any discrepancies in data and maintain its integrity, it is imperative to ensure that different systems can effortlessly communicate with each other.

Also, having all information centralized allows marketers and salespeople to work more efficiently and effectively and avoid the risk of communicating with customers without their consent; using the wrong information can create issues on many levels.

In summary, a well-managed CRM system with centralized information is essential for effective list management, personalized marketing, and regulation compliance.

Which CRM key metrics do you use?

To measure a CRM strategy's effectiveness, we utilize various metrics such as consent rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By monitoring these metrics, we can gain insights into which campaigns are performing well and which ones need improvement.

Additionally, one crucial metric for effective list management is the growth of a clean database with all relevant customer information. We also analyze customer data such as interests, behaviors, and preferences to segment our email lists and send targeted messages to specific groups of customers.

Analyzing any "negative" behavior, such as unsubscribes or removal of permissions, is equally important, as it can indicate issues with the marketing or business flows.

Keeping a clean and relevant database makes it easier to personalize marketing communications and drive engagement while avoiding the risk of sending messages to uninterested customers.

What are common mistakes made when working with CRM?

Maintaining a clean and organized database is essential for effective CRM management. One common mistake is storing erroneous data in the wrong format, which can result in wasted time and resources. It's critical to ensure the data is organized and connected correctly to each customer and used effectively for marketing or other business purposes.

Allowing customers to manage their data can also help maintain a clean database, as they can update their information and preferences as needed.

How do you envision the future of CRM?

In the future, I see CRM becoming even more personalized and data-driven than it already is. Companies will continue collecting more customer data, including demographic information, online behavior, and social media activity. This will allow for more targeted marketing campaigns, increasing engagement and ultimately leading to better deliverability.

Additionally, advancements in AI and machine learning will enable companies to automate many of the processes involved in CRM, further increasing efficiency and effectiveness by combining the information they couldn't possibly do before manually or by hand.

About EmailConsul

EmailConsul is a powerful platform that helps businesses of all sizes take control of their email deliverability and sender reputation.

It provides an in-depth and comprehensive toolset that allows businesses to monitor and improve their deliverability and sender reputation, including access to their reputation with Google, Microsoft, IP/domain DNSBL, and authentication checkups for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. EmailConsul is here to change the game by providing a powerful and affordable solution that allows businesses to take control of their email deliverability and sender reputation, ultimately achieving their goals through successful email marketing.



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