MoodBox Case Study

Sodiq Tajudeen
8 min readMay 17, 2023



the client

MoodBox is an innovative mobile application designed to support individuals in managing and improving their emotional wellbeing. In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, it’s essential to have convenient and accessible tools to help us navigate our emotions effectively. MoodBox aims to provide a comprehensive solution by offering a range of features and resources to promote mental wellness.

Resources and Top Therapists

With MoodBox, users can track their moods, book an appointment with therapists, community, engage in cognitive-behavioral therapy exercises, chat anonymously with therapist, and explore self-help articles — all in one user-friendly app. By empowering users to take an active role in their mental health, MoodBox aims to enhance emotional resilience and overall wellbeing.

This app introduction sets the stage for the significance and purpose of MoodBox as a comprehensive tool for emotional wellbeing. It highlights the importance of accessible resources and addresses the need for individuals to actively manage their mental health.

Book appointment with therapists

the problem

The problem that the MoodBox project seeks to address is the lack of accessible and convenient mental health support services for young people who are struggling with mental health disorders like depression. Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can have a significant impact on an individual’s daily life, including their ability to work, study, and socialize.

Patient Home Screen

Many young people who experience depression or other mental health disorders face barriers to accessing mental health support services. These barriers can include long wait times for appointments, high costs, and stigma associated with seeking mental health care. Additionally, some individuals may live in remote or rural areas where mental health services are not readily available, making it even more challenging to access support.

Video Call with Therapist

As a result, many young people with mental health disorders may not receive the care they need, leading to negative consequences for their mental health, social life, and academic or professional achievements. The MoodBox project aims to address these barriers by providing a mobile application platform that allows young people to access mental health services from anywhere, at any time. By providing accessible, convenient, and confidential support, the MoodBox platform can help individuals manage their mental health more effectively and improve their overall quality of life.

Audio Call with Therapist

the solution

MoodBox app aims to address mental health needs by providing secure and anonymous medical consultations, easy communication, customized treatment plans, self-help resources, and reminders/notifications. Here is a summary of the solution based on these features:

Anonymous Home Screen and Chatting

Secure and Anonymous Consultations: The MoodBox app will have a robust security system with end-to-end encryption and password protection to ensure secure and confidential communication between therapists and clients. User identities will be protected, allowing for anonymous medical consultations.

Chat, Voice and Video Call

User-Friendly Communication: The app will have an intuitive and user-friendly interface that enables easy communication between therapists and clients. This can include chat or voice messaging features that are accessible within the app, making it convenient for users to engage in therapy sessions.

Resources (Therapist and Patient Screens)

Self-Help Resources: The app will offer a comprehensive library of self-help resources to support clients between therapy sessions. This can include guided meditations, coping strategies, educational materials, and other relevant resources that empower users to manage their mental health effectively.

Notification Screens

Reminders and Notifications: MoodBox will have a reminder and notification system to help clients stay on track with their appointments, treatment goals, and progress tracking. This can be in the form of push notifications or emails, providing timely reminders and encouragement.

Community Screens

Discussion Forums: MoodBox has discussion forums and chat groups where users can connect with each other, share experiences, and provide support. These forums categorized based on specific topics or interests related to mental health.

Network, Help Center and Community

Peer Support Networks: MoodBox has facilitated connections between users who are going through similar challenges. Users can opt to join support networks where they can interact with peers, exchange advice, and offer encouragement.

user persona


Goals and Motivations:

  1. Convenient Access: Zainab wants a convenient way to access mental health resources and support that fits into her busy schedule.
  2. Confidentiality: Zainab values her privacy and wants a secure and confidential platform for communication with mental health professionals.
  3. Personalized Care: Zainab is looking for personalized treatment plans and interventions tailored to her specific needs.
  4. Self-Help and Education: Zainab wants access to self-help resources, such as coping strategies and educational materials, to manage her mental health independently.

Challenges and Pain Points:

  1. Limited Time: Zainab’s busy schedule makes it challenging to attend in-person therapy sessions or seek support during regular working hours.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Zainab worries about the confidentiality of her conversations and seeks assurance that her personal information will be kept secure.
  3. Lack of Support Network: Zainab doesn’t have a strong support network and feels isolated in her mental health journey.
  4. Difficulty in Finding Resources: Zainab finds it overwhelming to search for reliable mental health resources online, and she desires a centralized platform for access.

How MoodBox Helps:

  1. Convenience: MoodBox provides Zainab with a convenient way to access mental health resources and support anytime, anywhere through a user-friendly app.
  2. Confidential Communication: MoodBox ensures secure and confidential communication with mental health professionals, giving Zainab peace of mind.
  3. Personalized Treatment: MoodBox enables therapists to create customized treatment plans for Zainab, addressing her specific needs and goals.
  4. Self-Help Resources: MoodBox offers a comprehensive library of self-help resources, empowering Zainab to manage her mental health independently between therapy sessions.
  5. Community Support: MoodBox’s community feature allows Zainab to connect with peers, share experiences, and receive support from like-minded individuals.

Goals and Motivations:

  1. Stress Relief: Majeed wants to find effective ways to manage stress and alleviate the pressure he feels as a teacher.
  2. Work-Life Balance: Majeed strives to achieve a better work-life balance and find time for self-care amidst his busy teaching schedule.
  3. Professional Support: Majeed seeks professional guidance to navigate the challenges of his profession and enhance his well-being.
  4. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Majeed is interested in incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into his daily routine to promote mental well-being.

Challenges and Pain Points:

  1. Time Constraints: Majeed’s demanding teaching schedule leaves him with limited time and energy to prioritize his mental health.
  2. Emotional Exhaustion: The emotional demands of his job can leave Majeed feeling drained and overwhelmed.
  3. Lack of Guidance: Majeed struggles to find appropriate resources and professional support specifically tailored to the challenges faced by educators.
  4. Difficulty Switching Off: Majeed finds it challenging to detach from work-related stress and thoughts, affecting his overall well-being.

How MoodBox Helps:

  1. Stress Management: MoodBox provides Majeed with tools and techniques to manage stress effectively, including relaxation exercises.
  2. Time-Friendly Support: MoodBox’s convenient access to mental health professionals allows Majeed to seek support on his own schedule, making it easier to fit into his busy routine.
  3. Tailored Professional Support: MoodBox connects Majeed with mental health professionals experienced in working with educators, offering guidance and strategies to navigate job-related challenges.
  4. Mindfulness and Relaxation: MoodBox offers a variety of mindfulness and relaxation resources that Majeed can integrate into his daily routine to promote calmness and reduce stress.
  5. Community Support: MoodBox’s community feature allows Majeed to connect with fellow teachers, share experiences, and seek support from others who understand the unique challenges of the profession.

empath map

This tool help me gain a deeper understanding of a their thoughts, feelings, needs, and motivations. It helps me developing empathy for the them and creating user-centered designs.

Empath Map for Zainab
Empath Map for Majeed

market research

The target market for MoodBox is young people who are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions. This may include individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 who may be facing challenges related to school, work, relationships, or other stressors in their lives.

The app is designed to be accessible regardless of location and time, making it particularly suitable for individuals who may not have easy access to mental health support or who prefer to receive support in a virtual format.

Based on the target market for MoodBox, some of the competitors are:

MoodBox competitors

design system

When embarking on the design of a digital product for a lengthy project, two crucial questions always arise during the planning phase: “What is its expected lifespan?” and “Can it scale effectively?”

To begin, I established a comprehensive components library, which would subsequently influence various aspects of the application such as colors, typography, grid settings, and more. This encompassed icons, buttons, form elements, error and empty states, as well as show cards and content cards. To ensure consistent vertical spacing, I employed an 8-point grid system.

MoodBox was specifically developed to facilitate scalability, allowing the components to seamlessly interact with one another and perform optimally across different device resolutions.

user interface design

MoodBox Features

View App and web design here:

View brand identity design here:

In conclusion, MoodBox is an application platform that aims to provide convenient and accessible mental health support for young people. The app focuses on addressing the challenges individuals face in accessing medical assistance for mental health concerns, regardless of their location and time constraints. It offers several key features and value propositions to enhance the user experience.


about me

I am a creative problem-solver who is dedicated to helping his clients achieve their branding and product goals through industry-leading design solutions.

I am consistently thrilled to make new acquaintances and collaborate. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me at any time!

Are you interested in partnering on a project? Let’s chat 😊

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Sodiq Tajudeen

In my writing, I mostly discuss working remotely and Libraries & Information Science. I also do product, brand, and graphic design.