Get £5 Amazon Voucher: Make Money Online Now!

Sade - Wealth Decoders
5 min readMay 28, 2022

Since joining TRP Surveys in 2020, I’ve earned over £60 in less than 3 minutes daily. And today, I’ll show you how you can do the same.

Screenshot of my £5 Amazon reward from TRP Survys
Screenshot of my £5 Amazon voucher

Do you ever find yourself in need of a quick fiver? I have just the solution for you.

TRP Surveys gives you a free £5 Amazon voucher almost every month, and it only takes a minute of clicking on your phone.

The best part? Anyone over 16 can do it, making it a great way to enter the world of making money online.

Screenshot of TRP Survey reward emails in inbox
Screenshot of my previous rewards from 2020

About TRP Surveys

TRP Surveys is a market research platform that partners with companies looking to get data and insights.

Essentially, they act as a middleman between companies and everyday people, while also rewarding us for our time and effort.

This is different

In 2014, I signed up for YouGov surveys, filled in what felt like hours of surveys, and never got a payout.

If you’ve tried taking surveys for money in the past, you may have found it to be a frustrating experience. But TRP Surveys is different.

It’s the only survey site I’ve used that has consistently rewarded me for my time and effort. And I’ve tried a lot of them.

If you like what you’ve heard so far, Make sure you don’t miss any more articles that can help you grow your wealth and achieve financial independence by joining the rebellion!

Join The Rebellion

Rule №1: Never lose money.

Now, let’s get back to the £5 Amazon voucher.

I know it doesn’t sound like much, but as Warren Buffett famously said: “Rule №1: Never lose money. Rule №2: Never forget rule №1.”

In 3 years I’ve saved over £60 of my hard-earned cash. What can you do with £60 worth of free Amazon vouchers?

You also have the option of charity donations or donations to a community group so you can make a difference for free!

Rule №1: Never lose money. Rule №2: Never forget rule №1

The bigger picture for achieving financial independence.

But let’s be real, taking surveys alone won’t get you to financial independence.

It’s just one small part of a larger strategy that should include earning a higher income, investing, and reducing expenses.

While the rewards are small, they add up over time and can be used towards savings or debt repayment.

Focus on the bigger picture

Why do I say £5 almost every month?

Now, let’s talk about how TRP Surveys work. You can get a free £5 voucher almost every month by earning 20 points.

You get 0.5 points per survey, and with an average of 30 days per month, that’s 15 points per month. Add in the bonus surveys and you’re almost there.

You’ll finally get your £5 Amazon voucher by the start of the next month.

You get almost £5 every month

Pros of taking TRP Surveys

So, what are some pros and cons of taking TRP Surveys?

  1. Topic — You only provide information about what you watched on TV yesterday, and whether you recognise some celebrities. I don’t think the type and amount of information requested is too invasive.
  2. Speed — It takes 1–5 mins to fill in a survey. You could make this part of a routine for a guaranteed £5 almost every month.
  3. Consistency — You get a survey every single day of the week (even Sundays). You also get reminder emails to fill in that day’s survey so you keep stacking points.
  4. Bonus points — You get the opportunity to fill in bonus surveys throughout the month, to boost your points and get your voucher quicker.
  5. User interface — you fill out the survey on your web browser. There are no apps to download and you tick boxes or type in your thoughts about a show if you want to.
  6. Points update — every week, you get a points update to know how close you are to earning a reward.
  7. Prize draws — you’re in with the chance of winning prizes!
Taking TRP Surveys has many pros

Cons of TRP Surveys

On the downside, TRP Surveys is not very transparent about what they do with your data. Their website says they “pass the information onto their clients”, which may not be enough for you.

Secondly, the rewards are minimal compared to the time investment. You could spend those precious minutes doing things of higher value… Like building the next Calendly.

You’ll also need to whitelist their email address to avoid missing the surveys completely.

Time cost from filling in surveys


If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make some extra cash online, TRP Surveys is definitely worth checking out. It won’t make you rich, but it’s a great way to earn some extra spending money.

Anyone can do it and I’ve made over £60 in 36 months, with lots of days missed in between.

Barack Obama says “If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll get there”. You can make money online and achieve financial independence.

Click this link to sign up and start earning your free £5 Amazon voucher today. And remember, every small step counts on the road to financial independence!

If you’re serious about your journey to Financial Independence, join the rebellion and visit the shop.

Please follow for more and I’ll see you in the next one. Take care

If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll get there”. Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash



Sade - Wealth Decoders

The Rat Race Sucks. So I replaced over 50% of my salary with 1 property at 27. I show you how. Time, Location Freedom and Money while young = 🏖️🥂✈️