Is There A Need For A Universal Language?

2 min readNov 17, 2021


Language is vital to humans as it allows them to communicate with others, be it their feelings or thoughts. It helps to build a connection with fellow human beings. There are more than thousands and hundreds of languages in this world which people use to communicate with others. With there being so many, does a universal language that can be used throughout the world be considered a better option?

Having a single universal language will able to strengthen global unity which was also the main purpose behind Esperanto, an artificial language devised in 1887 as an international medium of communication, based on roots from the chief European languages. The existence of more than seven thousand languages creates barriers in the lives of many. For students, knowing just a regional language can limit them to various topics and can stop them from interacting with others. Having a single universal language especially helps the field of science. As the field brings in minds from all over the world, having a single language can help make solve the language barrier.

But, a regional language is important for individuals as it helps to develop them and helps them to understand their culture more. Usage of a single universal language can also lead to the loss of cultures and values that many languages hold over the world. The world is diverse and boxing can lead to a disaster. Having a single language will limit innovations.

Thus, whether someone sides with universal language or gives more importance to regional language, human beings are capable of achieving everything. One shouldn’t limit themselves to a single language and continue to learn different languages to be able to succeed in life as well as personal development.

This article is written by Yogada Sharma, a member of Team SchooPed.

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