What is UX Design? Relevance and Opportunities of UX Design.

weare AR
3 min readJun 1, 2023

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Meaning of the Term UX

UX stands for User Experience, which refers to the overall experience and satisfaction of a person using a particular product, system, or service. The goal of UX design is to create products that are both easy to use and aesthetically pleasing.

I usually tell people that my role as a UX designer is to make people's jobs simple and enjoyable or on the other side, to make people lazy.

Examples of a Bad UX and Good UX

Now that we know what UX means, Let’s take a look at what Good and Bad UX is.

To understand better, Let’s take an ATM machine as an example. I think you will be able to relate it well.

A bad UX example for an ATM could be, Imagine that you are visiting an ATM counter and the ATM is having a slow and unresponsive touch screen, the menus are confusing, you don’t understand the error messages shown, the text in the screen and the physical buttons are is misaligned. And after doing all these things, it gives an understanding message that it cannot dispense cash. No wonder that you feel frustrated and confused. Isn’t that a bad user experience?

Whereas, think about a scenario, where, u enter an ATM counter with a Crystal clear touch screen, easy-to-follow language and instructions, through which you get money dispensed quickly. So, it’s easy to operate and gives you full control over the process. You feel good, isn’t it? Wasn’t that experience good?

Where does UX Fit in the design cycle?

Now, you should pay attention to this, to understand where UX fits in the design Cycle.

Imagine you’re planning a trip to a new city. You want to book a train ticket, but you’re not sure how to do it. You decide to use a mobile app to help you.

This is where UX comes in. UX focuses on designing and optimising a product or service to make it enjoyable for the individual user. In this case, the mobile app is designed to help you easily book a train ticket. You find the app to be user-friendly and easy to use, which enhances your overall experience. Got it?

However, your experience with the brand doesn’t end with just using the app. This is where CX comes in. CX refers to all interactions that you have with the brand, including connecting with the help desk if you need support while booking the ticket.

Service design (SD) takes this one step further by encompassing all channels and interactions, including organisational considerations such as ease of booking, clear communication, efficient service, personalised experience, and after-service follow-up.

In this scenario, good service design would ensure that you have a seamless and enjoyable experience with the brand, from start to finish, whether you’re using the app, talking to the help desk, or interacting with the company in other ways.

We understand that it may be confusing for beginners, don’t worry, we’ll explain it in more detail in future posts.

Relevance of UX in the current world

The need for UX design and designers is growing. Companies are facing challenges in finding talented UX designers, (our Experience) and many individuals from diverse professional backgrounds are shifting their careers to UX design. With more people using digital technology, these products need to have a good user experience. This can make customers happy, keep them loyal, and help businesses make sales. Poor user experience can lead to unhappy customers and lost business.

Opportunities for UX designers

A UX designer can have a range of opportunities, including:

  1. Working in-house for tech companies, startups, or design agencies
  2. Freelancing and consulting for multiple clients
  3. Specialising in a particular industry such as healthcare, finance, or e-commerce
  4. Focusing on specific design skills such as prototyping, user research, or accessibility design
  5. Cross-functional roles that incorporate UX design into fields like product management or software development
  6. Remote or remote-first work options with the increasing trend towards remote work.
  7. The UX design field is constantly evolving and offers a variety of paths for career growth and development.

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