Brand Personality vs Brand Identity

3 min readSep 28, 2020


What is Brand Personality?

Just like every human being brands too have a personality, these are basically some characteristics that are attributed by the people to the brand, as customers can relate to those traits which eventually helps a brand to develop a personality with time. It’s a qualitative value that brands gain with time.

Brand personality framework

A brand personality helps the company to formulate strategies and marketing campaigns in a better way, as Customers are more likely to purchase a brand if its personality is similar to their own and that helps an organization shape the way people feel about its product and services which further helps the brand to connect in a more amplified way.

The quirky graphics, logo, visuals, or written content, all help in developing a brand personality with time as they make people aware of the brand more and more by indirectly communicating in a cohesive manner with some consistency.

What is a Brand Identity then?

Brand Identity is the part which people connect to, it is a visible element of the brand that could be a Logo, colour, Tagline, Product or design.
For eg- Eaten Apple for Apple, the yellow M for Mcdonald, Purple Bell for Taco Bell and a lot more.

Branding is one of those marketing techniques which helps in creating a brand identity, For example- what comes to your mind when I say Bose, headphones right, Yeah so Bose has established a brand identity for their headphones. That’s how people identify the brand.

Consistent marketing and messaging leads to consistent brand identity, because Generating content right from visual elements like Logos to Videos to written content, it connects to people on a regular basis which keeps them in a loop and helps people in recognizing a brand instantly.

Building a brand identity is a multi-disciplinary strategic effort, and every element needs to support the overall message and business goals as at the end of the day customer will be intrigued by the Identity first whether it’s color, logo, tagline or any visual element.


