What’s the cost?

4 min readSep 6, 2018

What’s the cost of following your dreams?

What’s the cost of starting a worldwide movement?

What’s the cost of missing time with those who you’ve left back home?

What’s the cost of putting everything aside to move to another country by yourself at 20?

What’s the cost of an extra 5 months with those that you’ve lost to cancer or chronic disease?

I often get the phrase “you’ve so got it figured out” thrown at me, an image that I quickly denounce. With great experiences come great sacrifices, I’ve often found myself pondering questions of this nature, tonight they have come full circle.

In the Fall of 2015 I learned about the opportunities of a holistic lifestyle and quickly decided that Grassfed could bring this information to the forefront of people’s mind to realize that we can take very small steps in order to receive lifelong benefits. I ran through the information like it nothing I had ever studied before. I thought, “You mean to tell me that we can possibly reverse these illnesses through lifestyle choices and daily actions like food, thought, environment, and those you surround yourself with? Even if we can’t reverse them, what if we could add another few months or years to people’s lives?”

After losing both of My Mom’s parents when I was 8, we reminiscence about the running joke my Grandpa Shon used to crack, “When I die just roll me off in any old ditch, don’t go around wasting your time and money on a funeral. I’ll be…




Bringing the farmer, chef, herbalist, trainer, business owner, and consumer to the same table to develop a network of holistic-minded idividuals.