Branding Pains

Michu Benaim Steiner
2 min readFeb 6, 2020


(or How to Prepare for your Rebrand Conversation)

Scrambled head illustration by

Whenever I first meet a potential branding client, I come with a warning, not a pitch. I’ll say “branding is an inherently strategic intervention.” Many just nod it along, wanting to move onto the logistics (which we do go into, don’t get us wrong). This is understandable; the term ‘strategy’ has been defanged and smoothed over by everyday use.

In practice, a branding process will mean we’ll poke our head in much further in than just the look and feel. It means leaders will need to answer questions that may reveal inconsistencies and surface problems. A new brand identity won’t make up for misalignment, operational inefficiencies, quality, culture or a deficient product. If your company has areas of misalignment, chances are that a branding process will peel the varnish off, quick. When organizations are not ready to wholeheartedly look inward and change (and we all know that change hurts) we can’t work with them.

To work on a brand, we’ll ask simple questions that are difficult to answer. Companies ready to participate fully will take the opportunity to make changes in their business based on what they discover. This is often the most valuable effect of a branding process: a company newly aligned with its values, and a visual identity that reflects this clarity.

A new logo can look cool, maybe nab some press and a little boost for a short while. But investing on a brand and giving it the time, attention and resources of a strategy project can yield a better company with a resilient graphic expression.

If you’re ready to take the leap, read this primer to learn how to make sure your project is as fast and cost-effective as it can be.

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Michu Benaim Steiner

Creative Chief at @InHouseIntl, CEO @twik, formerly of @citymatter and @gophermagazine. Stuff and things.